Under the Rainfall: Slow Dancing in the Dark (Episode 17)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 17

"Slow Dancing in the Dark"

The Class 1-A Christmas party is still ongoing even past midnight. The vibe of the party becomes euphoric. Pink LEDs hung by Mina are the only source of light, and soft intimate music is playing in the background — the kind that you would slow dance with somebody to.

Mina walks up to Shoto and Momo who are having a conversation by a table.

Mina: Hey guys, look over there!

Pointing towards the center of the living room, Momo and Shoto notice Ochaco and Izuku slow dancing with one another. They look awkward due to their inexperience, but they eventually find their rythm.

The two are intimately gazing into each other's eyes while swaying along with the beat.

Mina: Why don't we all have a dance party like that, and join them?

Momo: M-Mina, I think slow dancing is for couples, and not necessarily for... partying.

Mina: Y'know what? You're right!

Mina stands on top of the table and projects her voice for all of her classmates to hear.


Everyone begins collectively murmuring in agreement, but nobody steps up to the offer just yet. Suddenly, Denki takes a deep inhale and meekly approaches Kyoka who is by the kitchen counter.

Denki: Jiro... may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?

Kyoka immediately blushes at the sudden request, and Denki does the same.

Kyoka: H-Huh?! Wh-Why would you pick ME of all people, you dummy?

Denki: Why wouldn't I?

Kyoka: *Blush* W-Well, there are so many better choices aside from me. I-I'm not as beautiful as Momo, I'm not all that curvaceous like Ochaco, I'm not as cute as Tsu, or as bubbly as Mina-

Denki: Do you think if you were all those things, anything would change? Sure, you might not be like them, but you've got so much more going on!

You're funny, you have such a cute laugh, it's endearing whenever you tease me, (shamefully enough to admit) — and to top it all off, you're so passionate about your hobbies!

Kyoka: *Blush* D-Denki, you really think I'm all those things...?

Denki: Duhhh. Don't downplay how amazing you are, Kyoka. You might not see it, but you're perfect to me, and I wouldn't want you to change anything about yourself. Please dance with me...

Kyoka begins blushing even further she eventually puts on a frustrated expression, and raises her fist presumably to punch Denki. He shields his face, but Kyoka grabs him by the hand instead.

Kyoka: Tsk — D-Denki, you're such a dumbass...

Denki: H-Huh...?

Kyoka shyly smiles and looks up at Denki.

Kyoka: *Blush* But... you're my dumbass... *Sweet Smile*

Denki: (I don't know if I should be flattered or what.)

Kyoka brings Denki to the dance floor, and eventually begin intimately slow dancing as well, gazing into each other's eyes, still blushing all the while.


All of Class 1-A are figuring out who exactly they want to dance with. It's pretty unbalanced since there are six girls, but twelve boys.

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