Under the Rainfall: Number One Hero (Episode 25)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 25

"Number One Hero"

Momo sits down at the same bubble tea cafè, next to the window — rainfall still pouring against the glass. Being a popular joint that U.A. students go to, Momo still remains feeling awkward being around so many students that could potentially know and identify her from the picture.

She begins swiping through her phone. Apparently, the rumors are still continually spreading. Seeing this, her head drops down, and she begins slouching against the tabletop.

Momo: *Sigh* What am I going to do...?

Female Student: Hahahaha — Heyyyy, Yaoyorozu!

Momo is alerted to a group of five students across from her, giggling and whispering to themselves from across the cafè. Momo attempts to ignore them, but the intrusive thoughts keep lurking in her mind.

Momo: *Sigh* (What am I even doing here...? I'm just going to be made fun of if I keep moping here. Aghh — Screw it, I'll just leave...)

As Momo grabs her purse, she is then interrupted by a frail old man tapping her on the shoulder.

???: Hey, Young Yaoyorozu.

Momo looks back at the man, and she is suddenly taken aback when she realizes who it is.

Momo: *Gasp* I-It's really you...

Momo realizes that the man who had caught her attention was none other than Toshinori Yagi — Hero Name: All Might. The former number one hero then takes a seat across from Momo.

Toshinori: Yeah, yeah... "I am here". What's up, Young Momo?

Momo: A-All Might, I didn't really expect to run into you here.

Toshinori: Hahaha — Well, I love bubble tea too, y'know. My predecessor, Nana Shimura, used to treat me to it when I was in training.

Momo: O-Oh, that's nice...

All Might gives Momo a comforting smile, then pats her on the shoulder.

Toshinori: Come on, Momo. I'm still your teacher, so it's okay to talk to me. What are you doing here anyways? Your classmates are probably working on decorating the gym right now.

Momo: I'm just waiting for somebody right now...

Toshinori: Could it be Young Todoroki you're talking about?

Momo's heart suddenly drops hearing these words coming from All Might.

Momo: All Might... D-Do you know...?

Toshinori: "Know"? Of course I do, Momo...

Momo: S-So... you know what happens if it spreads any more...

Toshinori: Heh heh heh — Momo, I know how awful you feel right now. Your relationship is affecting your social life, and even your future as a Pro Hero. Well, I might not know much about you and Young Todoroki, but what I do know is that nobody is entitled to be talking about you two behind your backs.

Momo gulps and begins twiddling her hands on her lap. All Might leans in and whispers to Momo.

Toshinori: *Whisper* Psst — Do you want to know about *my* first time?

Momo immediately goes red at the sudden thought of All Might getting down.

Momo: Wh- All Might???

Toshinori: Oops, I tried to convey that in a way to comfort you but now I realize I sound creepy — hahaha!

Momo: N-No, it's fine, I was just caught off-guard at the sudden thought... of you doing... "non-heroic" things.

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