Under the Rainfall: My First Kiss (Episode 9)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 9

"My First Kiss"

Momo and Shoto finally enter the ferris wheel after waiting in the queue. Shoto's heart suddenly begins racing as the safety gate closes. The cart was entirely surrounded by glass, so the passengers were able to see the fireworks show happening outside.

After a few moments of anticipation, the ferris wheel begins to move. The festival was quite a popular one, seeing many visitors per day. Due to this, the ferris wheel was contructed to be bigger than usual to appease the demand for the ride.

Being taller than an ordinary ferris wheel was definitely a problem for Shoto, because he begins to breathe heavily as the ride begins to slowly move upwards. Momo notices Shoto's visible discomfort, and decides to help him overcome his fear of the ferris wheel.

Momo: Shoto... it's going to be alright. I'll be here with you, so you don't need to worry any more.

Shoto: Y-You're right... *Exhale* I can do this, I can do this...

Momo: We're going to go higher, okay? The show is about to start in a few minutes, and we'll both be able to enjoy it, okay?

Several minutes pass by, and Shoto's anxiety is only increasing. Momo continues to carress Shoto, as to try to alleviate his ever-escalating uneasiness.

Shoto: Momo, why am I like this...? I wasn't afraid during the USJ attack. I wasn't afraid of Midoriya nor Bakugo during the sports festival. I fought, and won against the Hero Killer alongside Midoriya and Iida.

I managed to stand up against the villains who sabotaged I-Island, and the villains during the summer camp. We even survived the events of Kamino Ward, in which even All Might was left crippled. Not to mention the events at Nabu.

If I was able to survive all of those encounters and lived, then why am I still so afraid of this ride...? We've been in much more dire situations than this, yet I still can't get the thought of my fears out of my head.

Momo: I really don't know, Shoto. Do you know what I *do* understand though? I understand that we shouldn't let our fears get the better of us. Remember when we were paired up against Mister Aizawa during the final exams?

I was nothing but nervous that day. Nervous that I wouldn't be able to stand up against a pro hero, especially after my lackluster showing during the sports festival. I only looked to you for a plan since I knew that you were amazing. I suddenly began panicking when Mister Aizawa captured you.

Thanks to you, I was able to swallow my fears. My nervousness definitely still exists, but because of that day, I was able to set them aside to do better. Even though I was such a mess back then, you believed in me, a-and...

Shoto looks at Momo, and his expression goes from distress to reassurance for a split second.

Momo: It's thanks to you. I'm... really glad that we're classmates, and more importantly... I'm really glad that you took me out on this date.

Shoto: I'm really happy that you came with me too, Momo.

Momo slowly starts to inch closer to Shoto, but suddenly, the ride shakes violently for a second, causing the two to fall over on the glass cart's floor. Momo opens her eyes and sees Shoto mounted on top of her, his arms unconsciously pinning her down.

Momo: A-Ah! I'm sorry...

Suddenly, panic begins to fill Shoto's eyes, as he looks down at the glass floor, seeing exactly how high the cart was. His heartrate suddenly skyrockets due to the altitude that the cart is floating on.

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