Under the Rainfall: Secret Admirer (Episode 11)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 11

"Secret Admirer"

Fast forward several hours, and the school day ends. Despite the sun setting, most students of Class 1-A still remain inside of the classroom. Most are doing their projects. Eri and Mirio are both inside the room, playing games with Izuku, Eijiro, Ochaco, and Tsuyu.

However; Momo is sitting by herself against the back wall of the classroom, blushing profusely, reading the letter Shoto had given her. She continues reading it, over and over again, her heart skipping beats as she repeats the letter continuously.

Three figures walk up to Momo, and she quickly hides the letter in her bag. She looks up and sees Mina, Toru, and Kyoka, giggling to themselves.

Momo: H-Hello, you three.

Kyoka: Yao-momo, why are you just sitting down there? It's dusty.

Momo: A-Ah, I was just... studying a reviewer for the math exam! You can never be too sure that you've memorized the equations, r-right?

Kyoka: ...Down there?

Momo: Y-Yeaahhh...? I don't want to get distracted s-so I-

Mina: Calm down with the interrogation, Kyoka. It's obvious that she's gushing over Todoroki down there.

Toru lunges into Momo's chest, and Toru begins panicking.

Toru: Uwaaaaa! Momo, give back Todoroki! It's not fair that he can see you and not me! Give him baaaaack!

Momo: T-Toru, please! C-Calm down!

Mina: Spill it, Yao-momo!

Momo: Spill... what exactly...?

Mina: The letter!

Momo: Awhaaa?! *Nervously* Th-There's no letter; what letter are you girls talking about?! I-I um, don't know... ehehe...heh...

Mina: Don't sweat it, Momo... We just wanted to see how you would react. We already know what's inside the letter.

Momo: I... really have no clue as to what you're going on about?

Mina: Oh, don't start lying to me, "Miss Cute-Typing-Mannerism"!

Momo suddenly begins to blush in embarrassment while Toru only continues sobbing into her uniform.

Momo: B-But... I didn't...!

Kyoka reveals a sheet of paper that she was hiding behind her using her earphone jacks.

Kyoka: Ahem... "My Dearest Momo. Before the date, I never knew what romantic love was. I could not differentiate it between love for friends, love for cold soba, and love for a partner." That sound familiar to you?

Momo suddenly looks to her bag and sees the letter still inside.

Momo: H-How did you do it...?

Mina: Oh, we got Shoji in it. He created an eye-tentacle using his quirk, and wrote down what Todoroki was writing on his own sheet of paper.

The four girls look to their left and see Mezo prying into their conversation.

Momo: Shoji, you did this?!

Mezo: I'm sorry, Yaoyorozu.

Momo: How much did they pay you to do it?!

Mezo: Oh, I volunteered. I may not look like it, but I love getting involved in class romance.

Mina: Haha! Up top, Bro-ji!

Mina high five's all six of Mezo's arms.

Toru: *Sob* M-Momoooo! Tell me your secret! *Sob* All I need are your big boobs and maybe Todoroki will like me!

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