Under the Rainfall: Marriage (Episode 28)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 28


The New Year's Dance is currently in full swing. Loud music blasts from the speakers up on the stage, and the students of U.A. are all partying their hearts out. Momo and Shoto walk around the gym, observing the hard work from decorating paying off.

Shoto: Woah, this place looks amazing. You really decorated all this, Momo?

Momo: Ehehehe — With lots of help, of course.

Momo stares at all the partygoers in their formal wear, dancing and hanging around at the party.

Momo: Somehow, I feel quite out-of-place. Everybody here looks stunning in their suits and dresses.

Shoto: True, but you're still the most beautiful on here.

Momo: Hahaha — stop it! You flatter me way too often.

Shoto: Sorry, but the flattering won't be stopping any time soon.

Momo: Oh, be quiet... Let's go, I think our classmates reserved our class some seats.

Shoto: Speaking of classmates...

Shoto points up at the roof. Momo looks up, and gasps at the sight of Yuga flying around, tied on a string, using his navel laser to light up and dazzle the entirety of the gym.

Momo: Oh, it's Aoyama!

Shoto: He DID say he was going to be the disco ball.

Yuga then suddenly spots Momo and Shoto, then begins descending from the rope, posing dramatically all the while. From above, the person holding him is none other than the Pro Hero, Ectoplasm; using his clone to move Yuga around.

Yuga then projects his loud voice for all of the attendants to hear.

Yuga: Bonjour, everybody! My performance tonight goes out to the lovely Monsieur Todoroki, and Mademoiselle Yaoyorozu! Everyone, please give them a round of applause!


Everybody looks towards Momo and Shoto. The two can feel the condescending stares coming from everywhere. Momo shyly waves at the crowd, but nobody even makes a sound. You can almost hear grasshoppers chirping if it wasn't for the loud music.

Eventually, Yuga continues dancing in the air, and everybody goes back to their business. Momo then lets out a deep exhale, and kneels down in relief. Shoto just looks down at her as clueless as ever.

Momo: I swear, if somebody stares at me like that again, I might actually pass out...!

Shoto: We might as well go to our classmates already before you actually DO faint. Come on, Momo.

Momo: A-Alright...

???: Well looky who decided to show up!

Momo nervously looks up to see two figures, but she calms down a little after she realizes who the two are.

Shoto: Natsuo, Fuyumi. What a pleasant surprise!

Natsuo laughs then wraps his arm around Shoto's neck while giving him a noogie.

Natsuo: Shoto, you prick! When were you gonna introduce us to your girlfriend?!

Shoto: I apologize, Natsuo. Momo and I have been going through some tough times.

Fuyumi lends Momo her hand.

Momo: Thank you...

Fuyumi: Wow, that's such a pretty dress! Uh, sorry — I'm Fuyumi by the way!

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