Under the Rainfall: Heartbroken (Episode 13)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 13


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Kyoka: Yao-momo, come onnnn! How long are you going to stay in your room like that? It's already Friday, and you still haven't left your room at all besides class!


Kyoka unlocks the door to Momo's room. She opens the door, and sees a disheartened Momo laying on the bed with tears in her eyes, listening to songs about heartbreak on a radio she presumably made with her quirk.

Momo: Kyoka?! *Sniffle* How did you get inside?

Kyoka: I picked the lock with my earphone jacks. Sorry for barging in, but you've had all our classmates worried sick with your moping.

Momo continues quietly sobbing to herself.

Kyoka: What the heck are you even listening to? Come on, Yao-momo, listening to these types of songs won't help you feel better.

Momo: I know they won't, b-but... I can't help it when they all remind me of him! *Loud Sobbing*

Kyoka: Dude, you two went on ONE date; it can't be THAT serious a relationship to the point where you've become a shut-in...

Momo sits up on her bed, and increases the volume of the radio. She then picks up her phone, and begins scrolling through past messages and texts, only further intensifying her tears.

Kyoka sees this and suddenly grabs Momo's phone.

Kyoka: Sorry!

Momo: *Sob* Uwaaaa! Give it back!

Kyoka quickly skims and scans through Momo's text history. Apparently, Momo had been reading her past messages with Shoto.

2:53 AM

Momo: uWu okie im rly tired rn hahaha!

♡Shoto♡: Oh, really? That's fine. I want to go to bed too. (:

Momo: shotooo, come to my room and give me a good night kiss...? :C

♡Shoto♡: I'd love to, but Mr. Aizawa has strict curfew rules.

Momo: awww ur no fun :(((

♡Shoto♡: No fun? I'm sorry, Momo. I'll strive to do better.

Momo: it was a joke dw HAHAHAHAHA

Momo: anyways im actually sleepy sooo... gnnnn

♡ Shoto♡: Sweet dreams. I love you.

Momo: I love you more uwu. -3-

Before Kyoka can read any more, Momo quickly swipes her phone back in embarrassment.

Kyoka: Wow, you really fell head over heels for him, huh?

Momo: *Sob* I don't... know what to do... *Continual Sobbing*

Kyoka: *Sigh* It's not like you two were even official anyways. You can't break up with someone who you weren't even dating in the first place!

Momo: Official or not, love is all the same! Heartbreak shouldn't be addressed with labels! Fact of the matter is: I loved him like a boyfriend, and that's all that matters.

Kyoka: Okay, how about this: Explain to Awase your situation with Todoroki, and just let him off easy. You're leading him on anyway, and if you really love Todoroki the way you say you do, you'll ditch this guy.

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