After the Rainfall: Aftermath (Episode 1)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 1


The New Year's Formal Dance comes to a close, and one day passes by. It's early in the morning — lightly showering outside, and all of Class 1-A are hanging out in their dorm living room. Everybody is sitting around, chatting and gossiping with one another.

Momo: I can't believe how beautiful the fireworks show was last night, everyone!

Kyoka: Yao-momo, where were you and Todoroki anyways? After All Might made his announcement, both of you seemingly just vanished.

Shoto: Momo and I were admiring the view from atop the school building.

Toru: Alone?!

Denki: Jeez, Todo. Who knew that you were such a romantic? I might have to step down, and crown you as the new Romance Extraordinaire!

Fumikage: There's nobody for you to crown if you never had the title in the first place, Kaminari.

Hanta: BOOM! Thats a clean three-oh for the Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi!

Fumikage: Up-top, Cellophane.

As Denki groans in annoyance, Fumi, Hanta and Dark Shadow all give each other a three-way high five.

As everyone continues chatting about their night, Minoru steps up on the table, attracting everybody's attention.

Minoru: Tsk Tsk Tsk — Nobody wants to hear about the wholesome parts of the date! What everyone is TRULY after is what happens during the aftermath...

Rikido: Mineta, what are you...?

Minoru: I want to know what everybody did with their dates last night! We were all worked up about the dance last night. Aren't you all curious?!

All the girls and heir dates immediately fluster up at the question.

Minoru: Come on, Todoroki... You can tell your good friend Mineta! Did you and Yaoyorozu really only just watch the fireworks when you were up there together alo-!

Suddenly, Tsuyu smacks the back of Minoru's head with her tongue, knocking him out cold.

Tsuyu: Ribbit, Ribbit.... *Mutter* Pervert...

Yuga: I can't help but agree with the little monsieur! Of course, I stayed late as the disco ball, so I want to know what all of you have done.

Momo: E-Eh...?

Shoto suddenly whispers into Momo's ears.

Shoto: *Whisper* Crap... Momo, they're on to us.

Momo: H-Huh? What do you mean?

Shoto: *Whisper* If we tell them we kissed last night, more rumors may begin to spread.

Momo: Oh, surely it's nothing to worry about, Shoto...

Katsuki: Alright, let's get the damn elephant out of the room.

Katsuki then immediately intimidately points to Izuku and Ochaco who are conveniently seated next to each other.

Katsuki: D e k u . . . ?

Izuku trembles in fear at Katsuki's sudden declaration.

Izuku: *Shiver* Y-YES, KACCHAN?

Katsuki: Uraraka. What did you two do last night? I was walking down the hallway when I came across your room. I didn't think much of it, but suddenly, I heard a girl's voice coming from inside.

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