She did what!?!? (TW)

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Anna's POV:
"Hey Anna." Sab said.
"Dude, wtf?" I said back.
"The video you sent to Eva?" I said angrily.
"Oh yeah, I just explained everything to her." she said.
"Wait, so does that mean I can get back together with her?" I asked.
"She said no because it takes two people to kiss and she doesn't know what she wants rn." she explained.
I mean I guess Eva had a point.
"Let me ask you a question." Sab said.
"I'm listening."
"Did you really feel nothing when we kissed?" she asked.
"I mean, of course I was gonna feel something we kissed, but I just don't know, like Eva is supposed to be my girlfriend." I said.
"Oh, okay." she said starting to walk away.
"I mean not that kissing you was a bad thing, it was just a bad thing to do in a relationship, y'know?"
"Mhm." she said walking slowly and looking sad.
"Wait come back." I said.
*She turned around before the door to my room*
"When I say that, I don't mean you're a bad kisser or anything, but like do you get my point?" I asked.
"I mean sure I get it, I'm not worth your time."
"No that's not what I meant." I said.
"Listen, I'm gonna go get a cup of alc, it's been a long day." she said.
"I don't even drink, but get me one too." I said.
Sab's POV:
And just like that Anna fell into my trap again. I just completely lied to her about what I said to Eva, and now she wants a cup of alc. From me? She is not the smartest.
*I got us both a cup and walked back up to her room*
"Here." I said handing it to her.
"Thanks." she said chugging it.
"Dude, you're a lightweight, why'd you chug it all so fast?" I asked.
"Just been a rough day." she said sounding loopy.
Dude, I don't even need to get her more cups, she's already gonna be drunk after just that one cup.
"Hey Anna, wanna do something fun?" I asked.
"Sure." she said, I could already tell she was out of it.
"Okay, let's play a game called follow the leader."
"Follow the leader?" she questioned.
"Yup, I'm the leader, you follow me." I explained.
"The leader says to sit up."
*She sits up.*
"The leader says to sit up straight."
*She sits straight.*
"The leader says to kiss me."
*Anna kisses Sab*
Great, I got her just where I wanted her.
"But Eva?" she said pulling back from her kiss.
"Who's Eva?" I said.
"My girlfriend?" she said sounding confused.
"Girlfriend? I'm your girlfriend." I said.
"Oh." she said pulling back into another kiss.
A/N: I'm sorry I wrote this two days ago and was supposed to publish it yesterday, but I completely forgot. I might end up forgetting to also publish tomorrow's chapter because I got a new phone and am still working on backing up my stuff.

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