Courage to Tell

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Anna's POV:
*Days Later*
*Anna laying in bed*
*Knock Knock*
"Come in!"
Eva's POV:
After a long morning of just overthinking feelings, I think it came time to finally tell Anna how I felt about her. I was so nervous about how she was gonna take it.
*Knocks on the door*
"Come in!" She hears.
*She took a deep breath and went in*
"Hey Boon." I say.
"Hey! We got anything planned for today or are we just chilling?" she asked.
"Uh I think the rest of them are going to the mall but ik you don't like going that much so I decided to stay back."
"Lol, it's fine, you can go."
"Nah, I think I kinda wanna stay home too."
"Alright, well wanna watch the Grinch with me?"
"Ugh Boon I hate that movie."
"WHAT??? No way you hate it. We're watching it anyway."
*Anna scoots over in her bed so Eva can get in*
I had the perfect chance, the house was empty, she was in a good mood, it was just us. A movie was playing, and we were just cuddling.
"Actually Boon, I kinda wanted to tell you something."
Anna's POV:
Oh shit she looks serious. She looks cute when she's serious. I knew something was on her mind from when she walked in but I didn't want to force her to tell me.
"Y'know Boon it's great having fun here with us." she says. "These past couple days have been the best." she continued.
"These past few days I've just been thinking."
"Thinking about what?"
"Omg with who? Spill the tea girl."
"Well it's this one girl-"
I felt heartbroken, I thought Eva was hung up on the fact that she liked me not some other girl. I didn't even want to hear her continue what she was saying.
"Actually wait a minute, I need to use the bathroom." I say quickly.
"Oh okay."
*Anna runs to her bathroom*
What do I do? Do I tell her how I feel and make it awkward? Do I just be a good friend and listen?
*Anna threw her back against the wall and slid to the floor*
Eva's POV:
I was right there!! I was so close onto telling her how I feel and she ran to the bathroom. Maybe she was uncomfortable. She's clearly not using the bathroom so maybe I made her uncomfortable. I heard something hit the wall.
*Eva goes to check on Anna.*
*She opens the bathroom door to Anna sitting on the floor wrapped up in a ball.*
"Uh, Anna?" I whispered. "Are you okay?"
"Mhm." Anna replied clearly distraught.
"What'd I do?" I asked. "Whatever I did just tell me so I can apologize and never do it again."
"Eva." "You didn't do anything." "I just couldn't listen to you talk about another girl." "Truth be told, I really think I like you Eva."
I was left in shock, did she really think I was talking about another girl? I was just referring to her in the third person.
"And ik that's selfish of me because I'm supposed to be your friend." she continued.
"But it just hurt my feelings so badly that I couldn't take it."
"I was talking about you."
"About me?"
"But you said this girl."
"Yes, that girl is you."
Anna's POV:
Well didn't I feel dumb. I felt dumber than a piece of chip. The whole time she was thinking about me? Wow.
*Eva helped Anna up.*
*Anna leaned in for a hug and Eva just held her.*
*We just stood hugging for minutes.*
A/N: Hope this was more excitement than the first section. Lmk if you have any ideas.

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