Communication is Key.

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Anna's POV:
It had been a couple days since what happened. I've stayed in my room most of the time. I didn't know what to say to Eva since I completely embarrassed myself. I felt like shit, I didn't even want her to see my face.
Eva's POV:
I hadn't talked to Anna for days. It was starting to get to me since we usually talked everyday. I could tell she wanted her own space but I didn't know what to do. It was eating me alive on the inside. I decided I was finally gonna go talk to Anna.
*Eva walks to Anna's room*
*Knock Knock*
Anna's POV:
I heard someone at my door. I didn't want to talk to anyone.
"Who is it?" I yelled.
Shit, Eva was the last person I wanted to talk to.
" need something?" I questioned.
"Boon, don't do this, open the damn door."
I rolled out of bed, looked in the mirror damn I looked horrible.
*Anna opens her room door*
"Boon, wtf is going on with you?" she asked.
"Nothing." I assured.
"Oh really?" "There are 4 Red-Bulls by your bed."
"None of them are open."
Damn she had got me there.
*Anna flops onto her bed.*
"Anna, you can't keep hiding in your room, they don't solve your problems."
"One day they will."
"Well that day is not today."
*Anna groaned*
"Forreal Anna, tell me what's wrong."
"You wanna really know what's wrong?"
"It's you."
Eva's POV:
This whole time I thought Anna was hiding away from her problems. But her problem was me. I was so confused, I thought me and Anna were all good. Even after I opened up to her.
"So this whole time you've been staying in your room because you didn't want to see me?" I asked.
"Well I guess I'll just leave then." I said while getting up.
"What do you mean no?"
"I need to talk to you."
"Um, okay..."
I'm so confused. Anna has been staying in her room all those days because she didn't want to see me. But now that I'm leaving her alone, she wants to talk to me...
Anna's POV:
I could tell Eva was hurt because I told her I've been staying in my room because of her. I needed to tell her how I felt but I didn't know how to. I didn't want her to feel bad or be mad because I told her it was her.
"Eva, I completely embarrassed myself the other day. I've been staying in my room because I caused a scene. And I know you're gonna lie and say I didn't embarrass myself but I did. Plus I wanted to be proper when I was gonna tell you."
*Anna took a deep breath.*
"Eva, I really like you. Like a lot, and I'm sorry for how I acted the other day."
*Eva smiled.*
"Boon, you've gotta stop running away from your problems."
"Yeah, I know. I just can't help it."
*They both laugh together.*

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