Life is Hell.

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Anna's POV:
I hadn't gotten out of my room for days. There was no motivation for anything. I can't even remember the last meal I ate. Ever since I fucked things up with Eva, I just felt like shit. The only person who I talked to was Sab, which was only once when she tried to force me out of bed. I wasn't even gonna risk going out of my room, seeing Eva, and breaking down. Plus I had everything I needed right in my room. I had a bathroom, a TV, an xbox, and especially a bed. What else could you need in life?
Eva's POV:
I used Katie as my source to check if the coast was clear. I wasn't gonna risk going out and bumping into Anna. Just too much weird tension. Of course I had to act like everything was okay with Anna and I so no one questioned us hard. But it wasn't that noticeable, maybe to Katie if she put 2 and 2 together. But I knew Katie wouldn't, which is why I chose Katie to be my watchdog. From all I knew right now, Anna either has been in her room for days, or Katie's lying to me. Idk which one it is tbh. I don't even know why I cared about Anna anyway lol. I am a solo soul.
A/N: Ik short chapter. Just a filler.

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