...How it's Going... II

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Eva's POV:
I woke up this morning in a super good mood. It just felt like today was gonna be a good day.
*I shook Anna awake.*
"Bub wake up." I said.
*She slowly woke up and rolled over.*
"It's so early." she said whining.
"Great! Put this on." I said throwing her a hoodie, cargo pants, and her airforces.
"Whyyyyy?" she asked slowly putting it on.
"Don't ask, just comply."
*After she got dressed, I dragged her to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.*
"Let's go, teeth, face, wash, NOW." I said dragging her.
"I just want to lay in bed with the blinds closed all day."
"I know, that's why I dragged you out of bed." I replied.
"But bubbbb." she said whining trying to convince me to let her go back to bed.
"Just brush your teeth and wash your face, for me pleaseee." I said with a pouting face.
-minutes later-
"Ready?" I asked.
"Great, get in the car, passengers side." I commanded.
Anna's POV:
What could Eva have planned for us this early in the morning? I just want to lay low all day and stay home.
*I got in the car and waited for her.*
*She came out matching with me while she was swirling the keys around her finger.*
"You look good." I say as she gets into the car.
"So do you."
*She starts driving.*
-half an hour later-
"So...where are we going..?" I ask again.
"We're like right there, just wait."
*She pulled up to this hill and parked the car.*
"We're here." she said.
"Uh... where exactly?" I asked.
"Well this is a place I like to think, it helps me get a lot of my thoughts out, and I heard it's nice to go with your significant other to y'know, clear the air." she explained.
"Y'know it's easy to tell when something's bothering you. So I brought you here to maybe help with whatever's going on with you." she continued.
Can you really tell when I'm not in the right mind place? Is it that obvious? But she's so cute, trying to help me with my mental health.
"Anyways, you can sit here." she said showing me a spot with a beautiful view of LA.
"So you can clear whatever's happening in your head, I'll be skateboarding if you need me." she said grabbing her skateboard.
"Thanks babe." I said.
A/N: This chapter is long so I had to split it into more parts.

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