Jealousy II

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Anna's POV:
It felt like all the conversations I had with Eva were fake. I mean we hadn't had much since the firepit night but something still felt off. I didn't get to talk to her because we were always occupied or around people. But I knew something was bothering her. I made it my mission to find a place where we could talk tonight.
*Anna texts Eva.*
                                Eva 😏
              You have plans tonight.
Is that a question or statement?
               A statement.
May I know who with?
Me and you 8:00.
Got it.
Eva's POV:
Well I guess I had plans with Anna. It was kinda a weird way to ask but I expect it from Anna. I'm surprised she didn't have plans with Sab :/. Idek why I was mad at Sab, it's not her fault Anna wants her. It's not like she knew about us. I guess I'll just wait for time to pass and then I'll get ready. Idek if I need to get ready but I will anyway.
*2 hours later*
*Eva gets out of bed and gets ready.*
*She dresses up in a comfy but cute outfit.*
Anna's POV:
I hope my car has gas. I'm already ready physically but I don't know about mentally. I decided I was going to take Eva to the beach so we could talk it out, then maybe laser tag if everything goes well in the end.
*Anna waits on the couch.*
*20 minutes later*
"Eva comes down the stairs.*
Damn she's hot. I think to myself while she walks down the stairs on her phone.
"I'm ready." she says sounding miserable.
It kinda hurt seeing how not excited she was to hang out with me.
"Let's go." I say walking to the door.
*Anna opens the passenger door for Eva as she gets in.*
Damn no thank you? Kinda hurt too.
*Anna starts driving.*
"Can you lighten up just a bit?" I say while driving.
*Eva puts down her phone.*
"Happy?" she asks.
*I just look at her and shake my head.*
"Y'know I'm trying really hard to make this work." I say after a bit.
"How? By spending most of your days with Sab?"
Ding Ding Ding, we found the problem.
"So that's the issue, huh?"
"What issue?"
"Why would I ever be jealous?" "I don't need you, I don't need anybody."
"Y'know, I could say the same thing about Connor."
"Oh really?" she raises her eyebrow.
"Then go ahead Anna, say it."
Damn, no boon?
"Spending most of your days with him, your scent on him, his scent on you..." I list.
"Spending most of your days with her, talking to her more than me, cuddling her at night in the same spot you cuddle me..." "The list goes on Anna, would you like me to continue?
Okay, she's got a point.
"Listen, all I'm saying is, less Connor time equals more Boon time."
"And all I'm saying is I don't know if I'm here for whatever this is Anna."
By this I'm guessing she meant whatever we have going on. That kinda hurt.
A/N: Hehe cliffhanger. I left this cliffhanger for you simp4anna. Jealousy III comes out tonight or tomorrow morning.

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