Blacked Out Blur

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Anna's POV:
I was waiting for Madi to come back and I started getting hot. It was like I was going to die of heat. After awhile I realized I needed to get to my fan before it got too hot.
*I got up off my bed and immediately collapsed to floor*
I couldn't feel anything. I was trying to use my legs but they just weren't working. I laid there in defeat.
Madi's POV:
I was brainstorming plans to get rid of Sab when I realized I had forgot Anna.
"Oh shit." I said to myself outloud.
*I ran upstairs to Anna's room to find her knocked out cold on the ground*
"This can't be happening." I thought to myself.
*I shook her body*
No movement.
*I poured a little bit of water on her*
Still nothing.
"Oh boy." I said.
Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Who can I call? Omg no one is home, everyone is out. Except...Eva...
*I picked up my phone and called Eva*
"Hello?" she said picking up the phone.
"Hey..." I said.
"Hey?" she said confused.
"Wanna come to Anna's room?" I said trying to sound excited.
"Why would I want that...?" she asked sounding more confused.
"Listen, ik you hate this girl with your guts, and I would too. But this girl really needs help rn, and you're her last hope." I blurted out.
"Please." I said sounding desperate.
Eva's POV:
*I sat there in silence and thought about it*
"I'm coming." I said after a little.
"Thanks." Madi replied hanging up the phone.
"Listen, I gotta go to Anna's room, idk how long that'll take, but I'll be back." I said to Connor.
"Damn, you're leaving me for her again." he asked.
"It's not like that, Madi just said that Anna needs help, and I'm gonna go help her." I explained.
"Aight, it's cool." he said.
"Dude, don't be mad. I'll be back." I said.
"Whatever, it's cool." he replied.
*I rolled my eyes and walked over to Anna's room*
*Knock Knock*
"Come in." I heard Madi say.
*I walked in*
"MADI WTF?" I yelled.
"I was going downstairs and and then I heard kissing and I-I came to check it out because I-I thought you guys made up and-and then it wasn't you two it was her and Sab and-and I told Sab to leave and and then Anna couldn't walk straight then-then I smelt her and she smelt like alc and-then-and-then I went downstairs to ask Sab if she gave Anna the alc and-then-and I came back to Anna's room and-and she was like this." Madi blurted out so fast.
"She smells like alc?" I questioned.
"YES." she shouted.
"Madi isn't you're mom a doctor?" I asked.
"Well, that doesn't mean I'm a doctor." she said.
"Touché." I said.
"Well, have you at least checked her pulse?" I asked.
"" she said.
"Omg Madi, you're such a rookie." I said leaning down next to Anna.
A/N: The background of the title for this chapter is because I was singing the Candles by Juice WRLD, idek why. But then I just decided to call the chapter Blacked Out Blur because it just fit.

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