Oh shit...

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A/N: So sorry you guys. Took the weekend to catch up on schoolwork and my mental health. But I'm back to doing daily chapters. For now....
Eva's POV:
I turned around to walk out of her room and oh shit.
*All of the girls were standing around in shock.*
*I ran to my room in embarrassment.*
"FUCKKK." I yelled into my pillow.
Anna's POV:
As soon as Eva walked out I saw all the girls standing around my door in shock. I just wanted to melt into my shoes. They just invited themselves in.
"So when did you guys...?" Madi said after a long period of silence.
"Madi! Not the time." Lauren yelled.
"Just tell me, how much did you guys hear?" I asked.
"Um, kind of a lot..." Sab said.
"Well isn't that great..." I respond.
*Most of the girls went to go talk to Eva, while Sab stayed.*
Eva's POV:
*Knock Knock*
"GO AWAY." I yell.
"No." Madi says.
"We're coming in." Cynthia says.
*I just laid with my head in my pillow.*
"So..." Ava says.
"Spill the tea." Madi says.
"There is no tea, the tea is that my life sucks." I say in a low tone.
"Okay, but when did you guys...?" Madi asks.
"We didn't date if that's what you want to hear." I say.
"So, you expect us to believe that after...that?" Ava asks.
"No, but I'm serious. We didn't and don't date." I respond.
"So...you guys just decided to put on a play about supposedly leaving Anna heartbroken?"
Madi questions.
"Y'know what? Fine. I liked Anna, Anna said she liked me, Anna likes Sab, Anna says she doesn't like Sab, Anna plot flips and says I like Connor. Okay?" I blurt out.
"Anna told you she likes Sab?" Lauren asks.
"Well no, but she acts like it." I tell her.
"Well, you can't really tell someone who they like... I can tell you don't like it when she says you like Connor, so why do you try to convince her that she likes Sab?" Ava says.
"Well idk, I guess I'm just jealous."
A/N: Yes, another cliffhanger.

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