Blacked Out Blur (cont.)

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Eva's POV:
"Madi, go get me a paper bag." I said.
"Okay..." she said.
If this last method doesn't work, idk what will. She still has a pulse so she's not dying. She's just passed out. I really have no idea what Madi was talking about with her story of how she found her like this. But I think she just started blurting out things as she was going because she was under so much stress.
*Madi came in rushing with a paper bag.*
"Thanks. Do me another favor?" I asked.
"Mhm?" she said eagerly.
"Go take a nice warm bath." I said.
"Why?" she asked.
"I dunno, you sound stressed." I said.
"But-but Anna." she said.
"Nice and warm. Maybe some bubbles. That sounds nice." I said.
"Bathe." I said seriously.
"Fine." she said walking out of the room.
"Thanks, love you, enjoy your bath." I said.
Anna was still slightly breathing. Her chest was moving so she was getting little air. It wasn't enough air to fill up the bag though. I decided to use the bag to catch some air and just let her breath so she could have a stable breathing method.
*I filled the bag with air and put it up to her mouth*
Oh shit, she starting to wake up. I'm gonna leave before she fully wakes up and sees me because I do not want to speak to her rn.
*I walked to Madi's room*
"Madi are you actually taking a bath?" I said from outside her door.
"Yeah? Was I not supposed to?" she asked.
"No you were, I just didn't think you'd actually listen to me." I replied.
"Anyways, your friend is alive." I said.
"Omg thank you so much Eva. It means a lot to me and it would to Anna if she knew how mature you were to actually help her." she said.
"It's all good, I realized you always find your soulmate, but it's up to you and your soulmate to figure out if you find each other. Y'know sometimes both you and your soulmate realize that you're soulmates, other times you guys may not realize at all. But it's always up to you to determine." I said.
"Wow." Madi said.
"Anyways, enjoy your bath, also do me a favor, and DONT tell Anna that I helped. This is your full credit." I said.
A/N: Hey guys. Just wanted to remind you guys to eat and drink water.

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