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Madi's POV:
"Dude seriously?" Anna said.
"What?" I asked.
She showed me Eva's instagram story, where Connor and Eva had posted a picture. It wasn't a bad picture of anything like them kissing, it was just an off guard picture of them in Eva's room.
"What's wrong with it?" I questioned.
"Idk it's just, anytime I see them together I can picture them together. And I guess that makes me jealous..?" she said.
"Yeah it does. Get your head out of the gutter, they're just sitting there." I said.
"Okay but what if they're together?" she asked.
"Then they're together, there's not much too it."
"Didn't you just say you gonna help me get back together with her?" she questioned.
"Yeah, but if they're together I'm not going to break them up. If they're together just accept defeat, afterall you messed your chance up." I said.
Even if that story Anna told me about Anna how Sab set her up and kissed her. She's not realizing that she cheated on Eva, but since she's Anna, she's not gonna get any consequences.
I wonder if anyone else in the house knows about them. A lot of them had been gone for days, so I should go fill them in on the tea.
"I gotta go right now, I'll help you later." I said.
I rushed out of her room and texted most of the girls to come to my room. They all started coming in one by one.
"Y'all have been gone for so many days, I have so much teaaa." I said.
"Omg tea on who?" Lauren asked.
"So basically, me and Eva were at a photoshoot and we were on break and I looked up and Eva just looked pale. I was asking if she was okay and stuff and then showed me this video Sab sent her of Sab and Anna kissing." I explained.
"THERES NO WAY." Ava said.
"I'm not even lying." I said.
"So then we left the photoshoot and I was speeding all the way home. Not the safest, but I was heated. And when we went to Anna's room, Anna was just laying there like nothing happened." I continued.
"Bruh." Cynthia said.
"So then me and Eva grabbed Eva's stuff out of Anna's room. And I was about to go back and beat Anna's ass, but Eva told me not to." I said.
"Duh, she's still coping of course she's gonna say that. Did you still beat her ass?" Lauren asked.
"No." I said.
I continued, "But then later, I was about to go downstairs and I heard kissing coming from Anna's room."
"They made up that fast?" Ava asked.
"I had thought so too, but when I went to go turn off the tv in Eva's room, Eva was in her bed sleeping."
"So what was the kissing noise?" Cynthia questioned.
"I busted into Anna's room, and it was Sab and Anna AGAIN." I shouted.
"YOURE LYING." Lauren said.
"I'm not. So then I made Sab go downstairs and I was talking to Anna and she was like talking in slow motion. So I asked her to get up and walk to me but she collapsed." I continued.
"She didn't get enough air while they were sucking face?" Cynthia asked.
"Lol, no. I walked over to Anna and she smelt like alc. And it all started to make sense. So I went down to Sab and asked her if she gave Anna the alc and she started threatening me. She told me Anna would realize that she wanted her and would leave me in the dust." I said laughing.
"And then I went back into Anna's room and she was passed out." I continued.
"PASSED OUT?" they all shouted.
"Yes, passed out. And since you guys were all gone. I had to call Eva to help her, since I'm no doctor."
"Neither is Eva." Cynthia said.
"Isn't one of your parents a doctor Madi?" Ava asked.
"Anyways, Eva told me to go take a bubble bath."
"A bubble bath?"
"She said I looked stressed." I explained.
"Oh, makes sense."
"And then while I was in my bubble bath, she told me she had got Anna alive again. And she told me not to tell Anna that she was the one that woke her up. I told her thanks since she helped and was mature about the whole thing even though she just got cheated on. And now I told Anna I would help her get Eva and her back together." I explained.
"Bruh, she just got cheated on." Cynthia said.
"Ik, but Anna said she's changed." I said.
"Bruh, it's been two days." Lauren said.
"Ik, it was an in the moment thing."
"Oh yeah. And Connor and Eva are hanging out again. Anna's kinda jealous." I whispered.
"I mean, her loss." Ava said.
A/N: I did this chapter because my publishing schedule got messed up. So I just used this chapter to recap on everything that happened so it would make more sense.

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