Dude, you fucked up.

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Anna's POV:
I knew I had fucked up. I knew I should've stopped Sab when she kissed me but I kept going. But for Sab to kiss me first and then tell Eva, it's like she was setting me up. I mean it does take two people to kiss, but I only kissed Sab back so I could show her we could go back to before. Maybe Sab sent her the video on accident. But why would she even record in the first place? If I can't talk to Eva, maybe I'll talk to Madi and we can settle this situation.
*I went to Madi's room and knocked on the door.*
*Knock Knock*
"Who is it?" she yelled.
"Anna." I replied.
"Hell no Anna, don't even dare come in." she said.
"Dude, just let me explain myself." I said.
"Fine, come in."
*I walked in.*
"The video is not what it looked like." I said.
"Oh, so the video didn't look like you and Sab in bed together kissing?" she questioned.
"Okay, it did, but that's not what happened."
"So what happened exactly?" she asked.
"Okay, let me start from the beginning. Last week in the morning, Sab came into my room while Eva was sleeping. And me and Sab were cool and we were just talking and then she said that I could do better. And I was confused, and she told me I could do better than Eva. So I wanted to hear her explaining, so I asked her like who. And she said her. And then I had to kick her out my room and I hadn't talked to her since earlier today. Earlier today I called her to come into my room, and I just wanted to tell her I was officially cutting her off and she started making me feel bad. She said she understood her actions were wrong, and she was sorry and she saw what I meant when I said I needed to cut her off. So then I felt bad because she made it seem like she meant no harm and she didn't know what got into her. So I told her I didn't have to cut her off and she had to beware of her actions. And she understood, and she wanted to go back to the way we were friends before because when me and Eva started dating I didn't really hang out with her that much. So I said sure, and she asked, so I could do this? And then she kissed me." I explained.
"So you guys kissed?" Madi asked.
"No, she kissed me." I replied.
"But in the video you guys were literally about to make out before it cut off."
"Okay, we kissed after the video but that was only to show her that I missed our old bond." I explained.
"Okay, but that was your first mistake, you kissed her. And your second mistake, was lying after we had proof of it." she said.
"Okay, yeah, but I just need to know how to get Eva back." I said.
"Anna you really fucked up this time, idk how to help you with this one." she said.
A/N: Don't forget to eat, drink, and shower if you can. Thanks for 10k reads also.

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