I know.

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Madi's POV:
"Madi I'm telling you right now, I'm going to tell Eva what happened." Anna said.
"Dude, either way you still cheated." I said.
"But she can understand why I did." she said.
"Do you really think she's gonna take you back from that crazy, unbelievable story you told me?" I asked.
"Anna I'm telling you right now, the last person I would want to see is the person who cheated on me, especially if I already helped them once." I said.
"Helped them once? When did Eva help me?" she questioned.
Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say that.
"Uh, nothing, forget it." I said.
"You have a dirty little secret you're not telling me." she said.
"No, it's just that-" I said as she stopped me.
"Tell me the secret."
"There is no-"
"Tell me the secret."
"Fine." I said.
"It wasn't really me who helped you when you were unconscious, it was Eva." I blurted out.
"I know." she said.
"You know?" I questioned.
"Yeah." she said.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"Well first I thought I was hearing her while I was unconscious, I thought my mind was going crazy, but then when I finally started getting up slowly, out the corner of my eye I saw Eva standing at the door, just staring at me. But I didn't want to make it awkward so I started looking the other way." she explained.
"So you weren't unconscious?" I asked.
"No I was, I just know my girl." she said.
"Anna she's not-" I stopped.
"Say I do help you and Eva get back together, will you treat her good this time?" I asked.
"Madi, you know I want nothing but the best for that girl. She deserves a good life, and all these new opportunities coming for her is great. I just really need her to keep me mentally stable, and to keep my mental sanity. You saw how messed up I was, and it had only been the same day we broke up and I already had wiped out unconscious. She's the love of my life and I know it." she said.
"That means no not talking to her when you're upset. Or when you have a lot on your mind, you always gotta talk it out." I said.
"No unexpected leaving without context." I continued.
"No cheating." I listed.
"And you're absolutely dropping Sab." I said.
"ANNA." I yelled.
"Fine, I'll drop Sab." she said.
"Okay, I'll do it." I said.
"Do what exactly?" she questioned.
"I'll help you get back with Eva." I said.
A/N: Sorry, I thought I had published this chapter already, I didn't know it never published.

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