...How it's Going...

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Eva's POV:
I mean it had been a few days since all of that Sab stuff happened. Anna hadn't said anything to me about it. But if I didn't know about what's going on, I would probably be very mad at her, probably on the fact that for the past few days sometimes so she would just randomly disappear from time to time and you'd find her in random places thinking. I just want to see how things go because it seems like Anna is thinking really hard. Random thoughts keep popping in my head like if she's gonna leave me for Sab, but I just try to keep them in me because I don't want to start anything. Yet...
Anna's POV:
The past few days have been tough. It's like everything I do I circle back to that one moment when Sab said that I could do way better than Eva. It hurts me to hear that people don't like the fact of me and Eva together. I wanna tell Eva what happened but I don't want to start anything. Maybe I'm not ready for a public relationship. Tbh I just want to stay in my room all day, if it weren't for Eva keeping me going throughout the day.
A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait. When the Wattpad app updated it somehow deleted my unpublished chapter, which was this chapter and it locked me out of my account for 4 hours. Also sorry for the short chapter.

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