How it All Started...

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Anna's POV:
-the next morning-
I rolled over in my bed to see Eva asleep while the TV was still on with anime. Welp she was watching anime all night so that means she probably won't be awake until another 2 hours. I checked my phone and saw a couple text messages from Sab.
Never got to talk to you
You awake?
I guess not
Oopsies. I replied and told her how sorry I was that I fell asleep fast. She replied with an it's okay fast, I guess she was awake.
                         We can talk now if you want.
Your room?
                                             Yeah, just walk in.
-few minutes later-
"Hey." Sab says.
"Morning." I greeted.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, just wanted to talk to you."
"Oh okay."
Eva's POV:
I woke up, but I wasn't awake. I was awake on the inside, but not on the outside. I just couldn't bring myself to actually get up and do anything. But trust me I was awake. I was gonna roll over but I heard Sab and Anna talking so I didn't want to interrupt them. I just laid there with my eyes closed trying to go back to sleep.
"Listen when I say this I don't mean any harm at all. I just wanted to tell you what I've been feeling." Sab says.
"I'm listening." Anna says.
"All I want to say is, I can't stand you and Eva together, I just feel like you could do way better and it hurts me to see you guys together." I hear Sab blurt out
"Someone better like who?" Anna asks.
"I dunno, someone like me."
"You? You want me to date you?" Anna questioned.
"I mean yeah, where'd you miss the signs?"
"Honestly Sab, imma need you to get out of here." Anna says.
"Why?" Sab asked.
"Just leave Sab."
"Okay..." she says leaving.
Damn Sab really tried to take my girl? The fact that she said no disrespect and then continued to disrespect me is straight up rude. She's got it out for her.
A/N: @user5i you were right lol. But it was too predictable, so I had to extend it a chapter lmao. Also, thanks for 5k reads.

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