Life is Great.

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Anna's POV:
Life is great. Me and Eva haven't had to sneak around since basically everyone knew. Today I was going to take Eva on a date to play laser tag.
*I rolled over and say Eva sleeping.*
Oml she's so cute.
*I kissed her forehead carefully to make sure not to wake her up.*
She's sleeping so peacefully but it's my day to make breakfast. I will just get up slowly.
*I slowly lift her head and replace my body with my bear.*
*I tiptoe downstairs to the kitchen to find Sab sitting at the table.*
"Mornin Sab." I say.
"Goodmorning Boon." she replies.
*I start whipping up the waffle batter and eggs.*
Eva's POV:
I woke up without Boon next to me. I was still tired so I just laid with my eyes closed.
*twenty minutes later*
*I finally got out of bed and decided to look for Anna.*
*I walked downstairs and saw Anna singing and making breakfast.*
How did I get so lucky?
"Mornin sleepy!" Boon says.
"Morning everyone." I say still sleepy.
"Mornin." Everyone said back.
*I walked over to Anna and gave her a kiss on the lips and then went to the couch.*
Anna's POV:
*I finished making breakfast and called everyone to eat.*
*I went over to the couch to see Eva sleeping.*
*I shook her awake.*
I whispered, "If you're still tired we can go back to bed, but you have to eat first."
*She shook her head yes and went to the table.*
*time skip to after breakfast*
*Me and Eva walked upstairs to my room.*
"Still sleepy?" I asked.
"Nah." she responded.
"Great, get ready." I say excited.
"Ready for?"
"No questions, just do it." I insist.
Eva's POV:
*I walked to my room to take a shower.*
I think imma just wear one of Anna's hoodies.
Anna's POV:
*Knock Knock*
"Who is it?" I yell.
"Sab." they respond.
"Come in." I say.
"Hey." Sab says.
"Um, are you busy?" she asks.
"Oh well, when you can talk let me know because I really need to talk to you." she says.
"Okay. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just need to get something off my mind."
"Oh okay." I say.
A/N: Calm chapter for today.

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