There's no way she did that willingly...

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Madi's POV:
Y'know what? Eva doesn't deserve this shit. I'm going to barge in there and break whatever they have going on up. It's not right on what she's doing, especially since her room is only down the hall from Anna's.
*I barge in.*
"Sab, get your shit and get out of her room." I say.
*Sab looks at me and then starts leaving.*
"Anna what the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask.
Anna's POV:
"Who is that?" I ask.
"Wdym who is that?" she asks.
"I can't see straight, who are you?" I ask.
"Dude, it's Madi." she says.
"Ohhhh, hey Madi." I greet her.
"Wait, so you're telling me you can't see rn?"
"I mean everything is blurry and spinning." I tell her.
"Do me a favor and walk over here." she said.
"Uh, okay." I respond.
*I get up and immediately fall to the ground.*
Wtf, my legs are like jello. And there was nothing in the way, at least I don't think there was.
"Uh dude, are you okay?" she questioned.
"Yeah, but I can't really feel anything, was there something in the way that I tripped on?"
Madi's POV:
Wait so Anna can't feel or see anything?
*I walked over to Anna and smelt straight alc.*
There's no way in hell Anna is drunk. Anna doesn't like to drink anything other than Red Bull. Sab had to have gave her that drink, Sab's always loved getting drunk.
"I'm gonna be right back, just stay there." I ordered her.
*I went downstairs to where Sab was in the kitchen.*
"Hey Sab, come here for a minute." I told her.
"Uh okay." she said walking up to me.
She smelled like alc too. I knew it had to be her.
"Listen dude, I know you gave Anna that cup of alc."
"And what if I did?" she questioned.
"Listen, just know, you're dead to me." I said sternly.
"As if, just wait until Anna realizes she likes me. She'll leave you all in the corner alone again." she said laughing.
She was right but I couldn't give a shit. I'd rather see Anna happy then see her clueless of this girl's actions. I'll just make Sab believe that she's right, and have her watch her plan backfire so hard.
"That's true, she does love you." I said walking away.
First I need to help Anna, then I can take down Sab's plan.
A/N: Dude the year flew by so fast, and I don't think I got anything good out of it other than realization of how lonely I am. 😔 Anyways, happy new year to all. Wishing the best to come for you all!

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