Uh oh...

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Eva's POV:
I had a lot of errands to run today by myself, so today was just a day of me catching up on reality. Me and Madi also had a photoshoot, so I decided to take her, and we kind of just ran errands together.
Anna's POV:
Today I think I would finally stay home and rest. I just wanted to lay in bed, while Eva and Madi ran their errands. I didn't feel like going, plus I didn't want to go to the shoot with them because they would make me get in some of the photos, which I am not in the mood for today. I also think I'm going to talk to Sab so we can finally clear the air, I realized I'm not going to let someone who isn't even in my relationship, define what my relationship is.
*I texted Sab asking if she could come over*
She responded and said she'd be there in about 20 minutes. I decided to take this time and practice what I was going to say.
-thirty minutes later-
*Knock Knock*
"Come in." I yelled.
"Hey!" Sab said.
"hey..." I responded.
"I just called you here to say, I don't know if I can have you in my life anymore." I said.
Sab's POV:
Damn Anna called me here to cut me out of her life. Ain't no way in hell imma let that bitch just cut me off like that. It's time to put my plan into action.
"Y'know I understand. I don't know what I was thinking when I came into your room and told you that. I think I had just got upset because you've been more distant since you got with Eva, it's like we never got to hang out anymore. But I see where you're coming from." I said.
*I could see the instant regret on her face*
"I mean, I have been distant." she said.
Great, she's starting to feel guilty.
"Yeah, I guess I was just wishing we could go back to the way we were before." I said.
*I saw her feeling bad.*
"But I see what you mean. Sorry for being rude." I finished.
"I mean, when you put it like that I don't have to really cut you off, I just think there was miscommunication." she said.
"So you're saying we can go back to the way we were before?" I asked.
"I mean, yeah." she said.
"Yay!" I said getting my phone out.
*I got onto the camera app and held my phone so it looked like it was off*
"You don't know how much I've missed you." I said.
"Yeah, it's been a while."
"Ikr, since you said we could go back to before, does that mean I can do this?" I asked planting a kiss on her lips.
*I got the video of us kissing and sent it right over to Eva.*
A/N: Yes, another chapter today.

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