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Anna's POV:
It had been a hell of a week. Me and Eva had been keeping us on the DL. Friends by day, lovers by night. We knew everyone was our friends but tbh we didn't even know what we are.
*Knock Knock*
"Wassup." I yelled.
"Ayooo." Connor yelled from outside the door.
Fuck, I hated Connor, Eva was always all over him. I'm not the jealous type, but that shit made me jealous asf.
"Ayoo, open the door." I responded.
*Connor flung the door open.*
"Wassup Boon." he said hugging me.
I could smell it already, he smelt like Eva. Dude's been touching my girl.
"Wassup man."
Eva's POV:
Where tf was Connor, everyone's about to go outside to the firepit.
*Eva looks all around the house.*
*She walks up to Anna's door last and find Anna and Connor talking."
"Wassup Boon. Wassup Connor. Let's go." I said pulling Connor's hand.
*Anna and Connor saluted as I pulled him away.*
Anna's POV:
Well Eva's with Connor, I guess I'll call Sab to come hang.
*Anna texts Sab.*
Sab 😈
Come to my room.
But everyone's outside 😩.
Who cares, just come.
*Knock Knock*
"Come in."
"What do you want loser?"
"To hang with you."
*Sab rolls her eyes.*
Eva's POV:
I saw Sab texting someone on her phone and then she went inside without saying anything. It had been 20 minutes and she still wasn't back. I had to go check from myself.
"I'll brb guys."
*Everyone nods.*
*Eva goes straight to Anna's door.*
*She listens in. It was silent.*
*She peeked in and saw Sab and Anna asleep while cuddling.*
That's supposed to be my place in her bed tonight. Y'know what? Why do I even care? I have Connor, it's not like that's the 3rd time this week. I don't know why I opened up to her in the first place, she clearly likes Sab.
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm planning to put out part two today also.

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