You're dead to me.

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Eva's POV:
Me and Madi were at our photoshoot. It had a been a while since me and Madi had a shoot together. I forgot about our height differences lol. It was finally time for our break. I had done so many poses my whole body started to hurt.
*Eva checks her phone and sees a notification from Sab*
Oh god, what does this bitch want?
*I opened the video and was left in shock*
"What happened? You just got really pale." Madi asked.
*I showed Madi the video*
"They're both dead."
"Listen, I dunno if I can finish this shoot." I said to her.
"No prob, we need to get home anyway." she said starting to collect her stuff.
I wanted to burst out into tears right then and there.
*We got into the car and drove home*
The whole ride home Madi was talking about how she was gonna kill them both. I just wanted to die in my seat. It was like I tried so hard for this relationship, and got nothing in return.
*We had finally got home and I didn't want to see her face*
*I walked into her room and started grabbing my stuff*
"Hey babe!" Anna said.
"Oh nah, you're not gonna babe her." Madi said from the door.
Man, I love the way Madi stands up for her friends.
"Why not...she's my girlfriend..?"
"Ex." I said.
"What the fuck? How are you just gonna walk into here, grab your stuff, and just say you're my ex-girlfriend?" Anna asked.
"Don't play victim Anna, you fucked up." Madi said.
"Bruh, how?"
*I opened my phone to the video and threw it on her bed.*
"Now fuck off." I said grabbing my phone.
"How did you even get that? And I didn't kiss her, she kissed me." she said.
"She said fuck off Anna." Madi said.
"No, you really don't understand." Anna said.
"What is there to understand Anna? You told me you didn't like Sab, got mad at me for saying that you liked Sab, and then 2 months into our relationship kissed Sab." I said angrily.
"For the last time, I didn't kiss Sab, she kissed me."
"Just take your fucking bracelet so I can leave." I said.
"But I don't-" she started saying.
*I took the bracelet off my wrist and threw it at her, while me and Madi walked out with my stuff.*
"I'm going back in there to knock some sense into that girl." Madi said.
"Don't even bother Madi, I'm not even in the mood. She's dead to me."

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