Your Life Matters.

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Eva's POV:
*I walked downstairs to the kitchen fridge.*
"Ayo." Katie says.
"You seen Boon?"
"Oh, I haven't seen her in days."
Days? I hope she didn't do anything bad. I mean yeah, it could hurt but it's not like we were a real thing. Jeez, did I really hurt Anna that bad?
*I grab a Grape Koolaid Juice Pouch.*
*I started walking up the stairs.*
*I ran to Anna's room and barged in.*
Anna's POV:
She didn't even knock. She just barged in. All I was doing was staring at my ceiling.
"Uh, hi?" I said.
"Um, hey." "Just came to uh... make sure you didn't kill yourself..."
Awe she cared to check if I killed myself.
"Loser." I say.
"Whatever, at least I care about people."
"Oh do you really?"
"Did you start caring before or after you broke my heart?" I mumbled.
"For your information, I was just doing what was best for both of us."
Oh shit, she heard me.
"It was best to leave me heartbroken?" I question.
"Okay, now you're being selfish."
"First, you say it's all my fault because I talked to Connor while you were in love with Sab. Then, you say that it's my fault that we "broke up". And now you're saying I left you heartbroken." She says.
"First of all, I was not and am not in love with Sab. Second, I never said it was all your fault. And last, you did leave my heartbroken." I respond.
"Oh, and what do you think I felt when my crush and her "best friend" were cuddled in bed where I was supposed to sleep?" she says clearly annoyed.
"And how do you think I felt when I hugged my crush and she smelt like her new boo?"
"He's not my boo." she rolls her eyes.
"And I don't like her." I respond.
"Y'know what, just forget it, sorry for caring."
A/N: Yes, another slight cliffhanger.

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