Execution II

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Eva's POV:
"Madi and Sab, I can literally see you on the kitchen floor." I say.
Why the fuck did Madi think it was okay to set me up with Anna on some lame date?
"Bruh." Madi and Sab say together.
"How bout you guys just eat and talk, we literally got all the girls out of the house for you guys, even we'll leave." Madi says.
"Fine, but you guys have to leave." I say.
"On it." Sab says.
Madi's POV:
Me and Sab grabbed our keys and left the house. But obviously weren't going to actually leave. Before we "left" Sab unlocked the back door. We put our keys and jackets on the car and we snuck to the back of the house. We quietly opened the door a tiny crack and slid in. We crawled the nearest room without getting caught. We were stuck in Lauren's room but at least we could hear them talking. We texted the girls.
The Girlies 😜
Cynthia: Did you guys actually leave?
Sab: No.
Madi: We went out the front door looped, around the back and now we're stuck in your room Lauren, but we can still hear.
Lauren: Smart, just make sure to comfort my dog if he wakes up, or else he will bark.
Sab: Got it.
Anna's POV:
"Welp, I guess they're gone." I say to break the silence.
"Mhm." she responds.
Anna, you can do this cut to the chase. Just be straightforward.
"Nice spaghetti." I say.
"Cut to the chase Anna." she says.
"I would just like to sincerely apologize to you because I didn't mean to offend you in anyway when I said you talked to Connor too much. I could've worded it better, what I meant to say was we hadn't really talked normally since that day and I felt like there was something going on that we both needed to talk about." I blurted out.
Damn it felt nice to finally get that off my chest.
*Eva starts laughing.*
"Ayo, wtf?" I say.
Madi's POV:
The Girlies 😜
Madi: She's laughing?
Ava: Yeah she is.
Lauren: Did I miss something why is she laughing?
Cynthia: Idk.
Eva's POV:
I didn't even mean to start laughing it just happened.
"I just find it kinda funny how petty we can be." I say after I finish laughing.
"We?? You mean you?" she says.
"I am not petty, I just return the same energy." I say smiling.
"Whatever." she says rolling her eyes.
"Come here." she says standing up.
*We hugged for minutes.*
Anna's POV:
Now's the right time.
*I cupped her face and went in for a kiss on the lips."
It was a small peck but it felt like heaven. She pulled back after a little.
"Madi, Sab, Cynthia, Lauren, and Ava, you can come out now." she says.
"Is this what you guys wanted?" I asked as they all slowly walked out.
*I slowly went into another kiss.*
*I had almost forgot they were there until they started cheering.*
"Alright, keep it PG." Madi says.
*Everyone starts laughing.*
"Oh yeah, just a tip, next time if you don't wanna get caught, don't text the groupchat that we're in." Eva says laughing.
"Oh..." Cynthia says.
*Everyone starts laughing again.*
A/N: Don't we all love a happy ending....for now 😏 No I'm not ending the story here.

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