69. Ratio

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(Seokjin's smile is so cute in the picture!!! <3)

Gina and I were sitting across Jin in his office, waiting for him to break the silence.

"The mission is dangerous, chances of actually making it out are 89%. I want you to thoroughly think it through," he said, his gaze set on Gina as if he were observing her reaction. "The werewolf committee is up to something, and what we need is an insider. We had many spies, but they can't do their fucking job properly cause they are now dead."

My eyes widened in worry as I switched my gaze between Jin and Gina. Why would he even consider sending Gina on such a dangerous mission?

"And you want her to do it?!" I exclaimed, leaning forward. He looked at me with a blank look. I pursed my lips and slumped back into my seat with a pout.

"You're the most skilled in this field. As much as we don't want to lose you, you're the only person who is skilled enough to do this," he explained. "So take your time to think it through."

Once Gina left, I spoke up. "You can't send her! It's too dangerous!" I exclaimed.

"Jungkook, calm down," Jin said.

"Calm down?! I can't calm down. You said it yourself, she could die!" I exclaimed.

"It's what she signed up to do. It's literally her job," Jin defended. "Come here."

I walked over to his side with a frown. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me on to his lap, my back against his chest. He pulled me closer to him and peck my cheek, both of us leaning back as I pulled my legs up on the chair and placing my feet on either side of his legs.

"I don't want to lose any more people," I mumbled, leaning into his warmth. He put his hand under my shirt and caressed my abs to comfort me as I leaned my head on his chest.

"I know," he responded. "I'll see if I can get someone else to do this mission. Can you stay here with me?" I nodded against his chest.

It was silent for a while as he worked and I observed.

"Can I ask you some questions?" I asked.

"Yes of course," he said.

"Why are the six of you so warm, but other vampires are so cold?" I asked. "Whenever Gina touches me, it's like I'm touching ice. But with you, it's as if you are my personal radiators."

"Well, that's because we are mates. We are physically warm for each other and cold for others. It's kind of another way the bond works to provide mates with the comfort they need," he explained.

"So with every other vampire is physically cold for me?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Next question: exactly what is all this paperwork for?" I asked. "I doubt you're doing all this willingly."

"Well, there are quite a few reasons," he started. "One of them is that we need to regulate the human to werewolf population ratio in Seoul. Unfortunately, we're losing way too many humans, so that means more paperwork. The deal with the Council was that vampires have vampire rulers, as long as they're able to maintain the human to vampire population ratio."

"And that's not working?" I asked. "What will the Council do?"

"Well, for starters, they could take you from us. Since you're still human, the representative of vampires cannot protect you from the Council. Of course, we're not going to let that happen. We don't know how far they're willing to go to get you, which is another reason we're so eager to change you. Another thing is that every supernatural creature is against our kind. They're willing to sacrifice a lot just to see vampires fall," Jin said. "Sure, us vampires are the strongest supernatural creatures, but like every living organism in the world, vampires have their weaknesses. Their mates. Our bond with our mates extends to depending on one another for survival. If one dies, the other dies instantly. In a poly bond, if one dies, the rest die slowly and painfully."

"So staying away from mates, and the pain," I started, and he finished.

"That's the anxiety of the bond. Vampires have to stay close to their mates, it gets too overwhelming if the mate is far away," he finished, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh," I said as Namjoon walked in.

"Council," he said. "They want to talk about the population ratio."

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