27. A Good Vampire

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"What would you like for breakfast, young master?" A maid asked, as I groggily entered the kitchen. I accidentally fell asleep after taking a shower and ended up waking up around 11 am. It was unusual because usually one of the others tended to wake me up.

"OH!" I exclaimed in surprise. I did not expect anyone to be in the kitchen at that time of the day. The maid apologized, but I brushed it off. "Uh... Do you by chance have any... banana milk.?"

I looked at her with big hopeful eyes. I had the dagger in the waistband of my jeans, so I was a little less cautious around the palace. She chuckled at my expression, surprising me. She was not one of those vampires that look down on humans, was she?

"Fortunately we do. Sit down, I'll make some right now," she said, warmly smiling at me. I cautiously sat down a warm feeling in my chest. I made sure to sit close to the door just in case, and pulled out my dagger hiding it behind the counter, but keeping it in my hand.

"I haven't seen you around. Are you new?" I asked her. I had not memorized their names, but I could recognize the faces of every female worker in the palace. My 'mates' never let any male worker come to my room, I had a hint why. They didn't know I was pansexual and I intended to keep it that way. As long as they believed that I was gay, I was fine with it. Although it slightly offended me that they assumed my sexuality just because I was their mate.

"No. I usually work in the garden during most of my work hours. The rest of my hours I spend running errands such as passing messages from a local vampire to one of the rulers," she explained, her back turned to me.

"The garden?" I spoke out my thoughts. She turned to glance at me.

"You haven't been to the garden?" she asked.

"No, I have. But I never saw anyone tending to it," I said, softly.

"If you want, you can help me out with the garden. I may or may not have overheard the boys talk about you and flowers," she said. I flushed in response.

"Yeah, I would like that," I mumbled, shyly. She let out a small chuckle.

"Okay. Every morning at 7. You don't see me because I tend to the garden quite early," she explained.

I was about to say something but was interrupted by Yoongi walked in. Our attention turned to the man who was reading a book.

"Good morning Master Min," the woman greeted.

"Morning Gina," he greeted back, taking a seat beside me as I sipped my drink while swinging my legs back and forth. So her name was Gina.

"What would you like for breakfast, Master Min?" Gina asked.

Yoongi looked up from his book to answer. "Where's everybody else?" He asked.

"I believe they're in their offices," she responded. "They haven't eaten yet if that's what you're wondering. Would you like me to call them down?" Receiving a nod from Yoongi, she left the kitchen after sending a small smile my way.

There was a comfortable silence as Yoongi read and I drank my banana milk. That was until he broke it.

"Jungkook can you go to my office after breakfast? I want to talk to you about something," he asked.

"Yeah, okay," I said, putting the glass for a wash as the others filed into the kitchen.


^Yoongi's POV^

Once Jungkook had left the dining room, I spoke up.

"I'm going to tell Jungkook about us," I said, catching everyone's attention.

"Yoongi, You're kind of too late for that. He already knew about us being vampires," Namjoon said. Really? This man, with an IQ of 148 but still can't use his brain, was our leader?

"Not that. I wanted to tell him about our clan, what we stand for and the clan's impersonal history," I said, observing everyone's reactions.

There was a murmur of agreements from Jimin and Taehyung. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin were quiet, their faces blank.

"What if he's not ready? And can we really trust him?" Hoseok put forth his perspective.

"I agree with Hoseok. He may be our mate, but I doubt we can trust him. Especially after our past with... certain humans," Namjoon spoke up. It was silent.

"I think that's a good idea," Jin spoke up. Everyone went silent. It wasn't always that Jin contributed to conversations of such high importance. He let the rest of us discuss and just sat and watched. If we made a wrong decision, he didn't tell us that it was wrong, he instead prevented the consequences from getting to us.

"But Jin I-" he cut Namjoon off.

"Let me finish," he said. "Jungkook is our mate. Not only does he deserve to know the clan's history, but he also needs to be treated as one of our own. Whether we like it or not, he is fated to be with us. And for good reason. He may be human, and humans are unreliable, but the bond is strong enough to prevent even a human from betraying their mate. We can't just stop exerting dominance on him just to get him to forgive us, that's not how it works. We need to prove that we care for him and are not just doing it to make him bend to our will. We need to tap into our empathic side, as well as our protective vampire side. You five were in the same position as Jungkook, you know how it feels. More importantly, you know how the process goes. As for turning him... We'll see how things turn out in the future. He has two years to grow to care for us and make a decision. Let's hope, for his sake, that he chooses what's best for him," Jin said, looking around at each of us with sharp eyes as if daring us to argue.

"But Jin-" Hoseok tried to speak up, but I cut him off before he could get himself into trouble.

"Very well then, I'll go tell Jungkook now. End of discussion," I said, sending Hoseok and Namjoon knowing looks.

They reluctantly nodded, biting their lips to hold back whatever they wanted to say. We were the law in Seoul, but Jin was the law in the palace. What he said, went. It was not because he's the oldest, it was the respect that we had for him. Yes, Namjoon was the leader, but Jin's authority was far more superior than Namjoon's.

I made my way to my office, knocking before entering. Jungkook looked up from the paper he was casually drawing on.

"Let's talk, shall we?" I said, closing the door behind me.

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