82. Celebration (M)

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"The Eiffel Tower?!!" I exclaimed. I was holding Hoseok's hand, swinging it back and forth like a child. The tower looked so beautiful. Sure, people gave us looks, but we didn't care. I was having fun. The air was so clean here, more or less contradicting the air in Seoul.

"Of course baby. Now, do you want to eat first or do you want to look at the view?" Hoseok asked.

"Eat! I'm starving!" I exclaimed.

"Didn't he just eat breakfast?" I heard Jimin ask from behind me.

"He's eating, that's the important thing. Plus he's our baby bunny, so we're going to spoil him rotten," Namjoon responded. Jin and Yoongi were walking in front of Hoseok and I. Jin occasionally leaned down and gave Yoongi a peck on his cheek, much to the younger's distaste.

"Tae Tae!" I called out when we reached the restaurant. He left Jimin's side and walked over to me.

"Yes, little one?" he asked.

"I have a question," I said, looking around shyly.

"What is it?" he asked, pulling me to the side.

"C-can you come to my room tonight?" I asked. He smiled, making him look incredibly adorable.

"Of course, little one. Any particular reason? Is everything okay?" The more he questioned, the more worried he got.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Stop worrying. I can take care of myself," I chuckled out. "I'll tell you guys if something happens." He looked at me skeptically but brushed it off.

I bit my lip as I followed him to our table. Out of everyone in the clan, I was much closer to Taehyung and Hoseok. They were the only ones who hadn't sucked my blood, I feared them less.

"Jungkook, what do you want to eat?" Jimin asked as Jin pulled him into a cuddling embrace. He pulled the younger to his chest, leaning back into his seat. He kissed the top of his mate's head, rubbing circles on Jimin's stomach with the hand that went around his waist.

"Uh...plate de-you joor," I responded, trying to pronounce what I read. The letters were English thankfully, I knew how to read a little bit of English.

"Plat du jour," Yoongi read. I looked at him in shock.

"Puh-l-ah doo shoor?" I said, trying to imitate the way he said it. He chuckled and gave me a small peck on my cheek.

"Plat du jour," he repeated. "It means the dish of the day."

"Oh... Well, I want that," I said.


"Jungkook I swear to god, if you don't get off the railing, I will push you over myself!" Jin exclaimed, trying to pull me down without hurting me. "The lady guard said that you're not allowed to get on there, so get down. Now." I huffed and got down, stumbling back into Hoseok.

Jimin gently pulled me to the side while everyone fawned over the view. "Jungkook, I want to talk to you for a sec," he said, pulling me into a bathroom stall. He pinned me against the door, holding me by my waist. He looked up at me since I grew taller than him.

"W-what's up?" I stuttered out, looking away from his intimidating gaze.

"Are you enjoying your birthday?" he asked.

"Y-yes. W-why are you looking at me like t-that?" I asked.

"Should I not?" he asked, leaning. His breath hit the sensitive point on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I looked at him innocently, not understanding why he was being like this. "You look so beautiful today, little one."

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