10. Slipper

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Hyung was glaring at Yoongi as we ate lunch. Between hyung and Yoongi, Yoongi was definitely much more intimidating. "Why did you take Jungkook from us? Do you vampires really enjoy ripping families apart?" Hyung spoke up. Mom and I looked at him with wide eyes.

Yoongi cleared his throat, making us turn our attention to him. He forced out a tight-lipped smile before speaking. "The food is really good, ma'am. I've never had such delicious food," he said. I could tell he meant it. Mom's cooking is the best.

I pursed my lips to prevent myself from letting out a chuckle. He looked like he dreaded every second of him smiling.

"And, to answer your question, no we took Jungkook cause he's our mate," Yoongi said. Hyung and mom stared at him in shock. I gulped in response.

The rest of lunch was silent. Yoongi shot me a look of confusion at the silence. I shrugged in response.


"So he's your mate," my mom repeated. We were sitting on the couch now. I was sitting beside Yoongi, while mom and hyung sat across us.

Yoongi nodded in response, smiling tightly. "Stop smiling," I whispered, knowing he could hear me. He dropped the smile.

"No," my hyung said, looking at him sharply. I looked at him in confusion. "You're not taking my little brother again. I don't trust you, bloodthirsty vampires. I won't risk something happening to him." A bit too late for that, but the concern was appreciated.

Yoongi clenched his jaw in anger. "I don't think you have a say in this matter," he said, his voice low and threatening. "If you want, we'll provide you and your mother a luxurious life. You won't have to work to survive, you won't have to skip meals. Basically, you'll be living the same life as a high-class vampire, minus the blood."

My eyes widened at his words. I looked away, knowing what was going to happen next. "Stupid," I whispered, covering my mouth with my hand. Yoongi shot me a questioning look.

My mom stood up in anger. "You want us to sell Jungkook to you? What do you think we are, money thirsty humans?" She yelled.

"Mom, he's not good at communication. Don-" I was cut off by her taking her slipper off. "You're on your own, Yoongi."

Yoongi's eyes widened in response. "Aha, ma'am I didn't mean to come off that way. Of course I'm not asking you to sell him. I will provide all this regardless of whether Jungkook lives with us or not," he said, desperately. He was a vampire, he could easily escape. Why the hell was he scared of a slipper?

"So Jungkook can stay with us?" Hyung asked, smirking. Yoongi looked at him as he realized what he said. He glanced at the slipper before looking at my brother.

"As much as I would like for him to stay with his family, our other mates would disagree. They're not exactly like me. They are possessive and would do anything to have Jungkook by their side, including killing you." Yoongi explained. I looked down in sorrow. I didn't want to leave my family just because the other vampires couldn't handle not drinking my blood in the middle of the night.

With that, came down the slipper on his hand. "I will bring down the slipper on them if I have to, but my son is not going anywhere." Mom said, repeatedly bringing the slipper down on the back of his hand. Yoongi flinched, his shocked state didn't let him move away. I rushed to his aid by pulling him away and standing between him and my mother.

"Mom, he's the nice one- owie!" I exclaimed as she brought the slipper down on me as well.

"Use your brain Jeon Jungkook, you want to live in a place full of vampires?!" She asked, glaring at me. I pouted, rubbing my hand despite the pain already subsiding.

"No," I said softly. The back of my hand started itching.

"I will protect him from the others. They have never really been around humans, except Jin. But even he's lost touch with his sensitive side. Jungkook is making them all connect to their sensitive side, I can already see the difference in our mates. They have also become very protective of our human mate. I will protect him from harm, even our mates if that's what it takes to keep him by our side," Yoongi spoke up. "But please keep in mind, they will get angry if Jungkook is not with them. And if they do, I can't control their actions and they will end up taking it out on Jungkook. I can't protect him from them if they're angry, I've learnt that the hard way."

I frowned in confusion. If they got angry, they would take it out on me? They would hit me just because they're angry? Was that what a mate does, or was that how vampires control humans?

My mother stood in silence as she digested what he said. I looked at hyung to see tears in my eyes. I rushed to him and hugged him. "Hyung, don't cry. I will be fine," I consoled.

Mom joined in on the hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Jungkook," she whispered into the hug.

"You can't protect me from reality mom. You can try, but it doesn't work that way," I said.

"We should get going. The others are getting antsy about your disappearance Jungkook," Yoongi said. I broke the hug and wiped my mother's tears.

"I'll be fine. I'll make sure you guys get the life we wanted," I said.


"What happened to your hand Yoongi?" Hoseok asked, taking his hand to inspect it while Jin came up and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my head.

Yoongi gave me a look as if blaming me for it. "Don't blame me, she hit me too," I said, showing my hand which was a fainting red colour, almost gone.

Jin's arms tightened around me, as we headed towards his office. "Who hit you?" He asked. I pursed my lips and looked at Yoongi.

"His mom. Relax, she didn't mean to hurt him the way you think she did. I'll explain later. Right now, we need new accommodation for his family," Yoongi explained before Jin could jump to conclusions.

Jin hummed in response. "Fine, we'll do that first. But we have a meeting with the Council tomorrow. They want to question us about our strategies and Jungkook," he informed.

"Does Jungkook need to go with us?" Yoongi asked.

"No, they want to make sure that we aren't mistreating him. Not like they have any power to do something about it," Hoseok explained, gently pulling me out of Jin's arms and into his. I felt like a toy that's being passed around. Hoseok sat down on one of the chairs in Jin's office, with me on his lap.

"What about the werewolves? You know what could happen if we leave Jungkook here. The werewolves are smart, they can find a way into the palace and to Jungkook," Yoongi reminded. I frowned. Weren't they the ones with power? Most werewolves were sent out of Seoul.

"We can't take him along. You know how the Council works. They'll mess with his mind," Namjoon said, entering Jin's office. Jimin and Taehyung following him. Namjoon walked over to Jin and gave him a light peck on his lips before sitting on the chair beside Yoongi.

"We can leave him with Jackson?" Jimin suggested, sitting on Yoongi's lap while Taehyung sat on Namjoon's lap.

"You know how Jackson is, he'll mess up Jungkook's mind more that the Council will. And it doesn't help us that Jungkook is scared of vampires," Taehyung said.

Hoseok lightly pushed my chest to make me lean back into him. He smelled good. I liked his scent.

"We could leave him with his family?" Yoongi suggested.

"That'll put his whole family in danger. They're humans. It's best if he comes with us. We won't let the Council talk to him, he can listen to music," Hoseok suggested.

Jin started searching up apartments accommodations. He indicated to me to approach him. I went around the table and he pulled me onto his lap while the others discussed strategies.

"Choose what's best for your family," he whispered in my ear to not disrupt the discussion in front of us. He gave me a light kiss on my cheek before letting me lean in front and search on his laptop.

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