8. Indecisive

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I stumbled to match Hoseok's pace as he pulled me along. They were taking me to a basement. That was all I knew as they guided me down some stairs.

Did palaces even have basements?

My thoughts were answered when they opened a door to reveal a long corridor of... cells? Why were we in the dungeons?

Hoseok pulled me in front of one of the cells in the middle of the corridor. There was a man in the corner, curled up into a ball, but lifted his head when he noticed our presence.

I looked at Jin, who was standing beside me in front of the cell. Why did Hoseok make me stand so close to the cell?

The next thing I knew was the prisoner running up to the bars, reaching for me. I was pulled back, my body clashing with someone else's. I let out a yelp of surprise and looked behind me to see that Taehyung was the one who pulled me.

"Let me out of here!" The prisoner yelled, his red eyes gleaming as they bore holes in my body. My eyes widened as I recognized the voice. The voice that had been haunting me for days.

I instinctively shrunk back into Taehyung, who wrapped an arm around my chest protectively. Soft whimpers left my mouth as the guy started rattling the bars, trying to get to me. His body seemed weak, indicating that he hadn't fed for a while. It was clear that they were depriving him of blood.

"Down!" Jimin yelled.

The vampire in the cell looked at Jimin and snarled. "What are you going to do about it?" He asked, tilting his head cockily. He then turned his attention to me. "I should have sucked you dry when I had the chance."

"Jungkook, we brought you here for a reason," Hoseok said. I looked at him, moving out of Taehyung's arms. Knowing that he can't reach me through the bars, I was much calmer. "We want you to decide what to do with him."

My eyes widened in shock. "Why me?" I asked. I can't make a decision like this. Yeah, he did things to me, and I hate him for that, but I can't hurt someone.

"Because you're the one he's done things to. Things that only we're allowed to do to you," Namjoon said, glaring at the vampire in the cell.

"W-what? H-how do you know a-about that?" I exclaimed, shocked. And what the hell do they mean by 'only they can do things to me'? I do not want them touching me inappropriately. I do not consent.

"Well, I happened to be walking through the city when I caught your scent, so I followed it. When I reached, I saw him do things to you. I was going to intervene when you took the opportunity to escape," Namjoon said, snorting at the memory. "Be glad you did escape. Or you would have seen me beat the shit out of him, and I would have brought you here."

So they didn't really care about me, it was just the bond that was making them act like that.

"I-I can't... I-I'm sorry, but I would never wish harm on someone d-despite the things they've done to m-me," I stuttered out. I noticed how my stutter decreased when I was Yoongi. Maybe I wasn't as scared of him as I was of the others?

The vampire in question started laughing. It was a mix of pain and evil. "You, innocent little boy, are mated to the worst vampires!" He exclaimed. I looked at him, worried. What does he mean by that?

"How about I make it simple for you, babyboy?" He said, menacingly. I flinched at the familiar nickname. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yoongi take a threatening step towards him. "If you don't kill me, I will escape. I will come for you. I will fuck you hard. Then I will suck you dry. So make a decision baby."

I stared at him with my mouth agape and innocent eyes. I could see that the blood deprivation was driving him crazy.

"Jungkook," I turned my gaze to Hoseok when he called out to me. "What do you want us to do with him?"

"I-I don't... I don't k-know," I said. My mind was blank, the vampire's threat was ringing in my head.

"Don't worry," Jin cut in before Hoseok could say anything. "He can't escape. The dungeon is made to keep vampires in. He won't be able to escape, and nothing's going to happen to you, Jungkook. You're safe with us."

'No I'm not! I'm in just as much danger with you, as I am with my assaulter!' I wanted to tell him that, but my fear kept me quiet.

Hoseok sighed in annoyance. "Fine," he huffed before leaving.

"Come on Jungkook, we'll give you a tour," Jimin said, gently pulling me by my wrist. Taehyung and Yoongi followed. However, I didn't miss the glance Jimin shared with Jin before closing the door to the dungeon behind us.

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