11. Second Night

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"Do you think the Council will leave Jungkook alone if we ask them to? Of course, they won't! If they see Jungkook, they will demand to talk to him," Jimin said.

"Well do you have a better idea?" Namjoon asked. I glanced at them and looked back at Jin's laptop.

"How about we turn him?" Hoseok asked.

"Into a vampire?" Yoongi asked. I looked up at them, mortified. I didn't want to become a vampire! They're vile creatures!

"Yeah, we could turn him, and he'll be just as strong as us. We won't have to worry about him much," Hoseok said, looking at me. Well, thank you for making me feel like a burden, even though you're the one who brought me here.

I squirmed under his gaze, turning my attention to the laptop. It wasn't like my opinion matters. Jin held me by my hips, limiting my movements.

There was a murmur of agreement from three other vampires. Fortunately, two of them were against the idea.

"Hell no! He literally came to us yesterday! We're not turning him into a vampire now! Moreover, even if we did, we'd have to teach him control in a span of a few hours. You know how vampires naturally react to werewolves. The last thing we need is him biting someone's head off and facing the consequences," Yoongi exclaimed.

I found an apartment. It was a two-bedroom small cozy apartment. It wasn't very far from the palace. Mom and hyung would absolutely love it.

Jin leaned forward, looking over my shoulder. "Is that the one?" He asked, whispering into my ear as he rubbed circles on my hips. I nodded timidly. He hummed in response, extending his arms from under my arms to reach the laptop. He rested his head on my shoulder as he scrolled down and bought the apartment. "Done. I'll send someone to help your family to move in."

I nodded in response, grateful. I was happy mom and hyung don't have to worry about their livelihood anymore.

Jin pulled me back, playing with the hem of my shirt while I rested my head on his shoulder. Jin wasn't that bad either. But Yoongi did say that he was the only one who knew how to communicate with a human, so I couldn't be too relaxed around Jin.

I snapped my attention to Namjoon when he cleared his throat.

"So it's final. Jungkook comes with us to Daegu, we'll give him some music to listen to so he doesn't have to deal with the Council. While we're gone, Jackson and his clan can take over temporarily. They already know the rules, so it will be efficient if we leave Seoul in their hands for three days," Namjoon said.

Everyone agreed, making me let out a sigh of relief. At least I didn't have to turn into a vampire.


There was a knock on my bedroom door. I looked over to see Namjoon entering.

"Do you like your room?" He asked.

"Y-yes," I said, playing with the blanket. He closed the door behind him, making my heart race in panic.

"Relax Jungkook, I'm not going to do anything to you. I just wanted to talk, bun." He said, making me blush at the nickname.

"B-bun?" I asked, looking at him with my big doe eyes.

"Yeah, short for bunny," he said, taking a seat at the foot of my bed.

"W-what did you want to t-talk about?" I asked.

"It's about the prisoner," he said, his eyes flashing red. I gulped in fear. Not in fear of my harasser, but in fear of Namjoon. He looked angry, and his red eyes were gleaming in anger.

"W-what about h-him?" I asked, carefully.

"What do you want to do with him?" He asked, moving a little closer. I could tell his anger was consuming him.

"I-I don-" He cut me off by jumping on me. Well, he pounced to pin me to my bed. A small scream escaped my mouth at his actions.

He hovered over me, observing my reaction as I squirmed to escape. He had pinned my hands on either side of me, his legs in between mine.

"Tell me, mate. What do you want us to do to him?" He asked. I whimpered as he tightened his grip on my wrists.

"I-I d-don't know," I said, softly.

He leaned in, burying his face in my neck and breathing in my scent.

"What do you wish would happen to him, little bun?" He asked, leaving sloppy kisses all over my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut as my mind took me back to the alley.

"N-nothing," I whimpered out.

"Do you not wish him to be dead for doing those things to you, bun? Do you not wish for him to be tortured so he doesn't hurt anyone else?" He asked. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to manipulate me into torturing my assaulter.

"N-no," I said.

"Namjoon! Get off him!" Someone yelled as they entered my room. Namjoon clicked his tongue in annoyance before getting off me. I looked at the door to see Yoongi.

"I was just talking to him, Yoongi. Don't need to be so soft," Namjoon said, smirking at me. I scooted towards the opposite side of the bed, watching his every movement.

"Control yourself Namjoon. He's a human, be gentle," Yoongi warned.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, leaving the room.

"You okay, Jungkook? Did he hurt you?" Yoongi asked, rushing to my side. He pulled up my arms to check for injuries, to see bruises forming on my wrists.

"I'm fine. His anger just got the best of him. Thanks," I said, taking my hand and getting under covers.

"You don't have to decide right now. But I do suggest you do so before everyone gangs up on you the way Namjoon did," Yoongi advised.

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