5. Three Out Of Six

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"Put him down," someone ordered. His voice sent shivers down my back.

The guard gently placed me down on my feet. I stumbled as my kidnapper held my shoulders to stabilize me. Although, he instantly retracted when he glanced behind me. It took a while before I was able to stand straight. I turned around to see a tall, extremely broad-shouldered vampire. His eyes were red, fangs poking his lips, his forehead was exposed, his whole body posture screamed confidence and power, contrasting that of mine. It was obvious that he was one of the six rulers.

"Leave," he ordered. The guard bowed and left. I gulped, moving my gaze from him to the floor. Was he going to punish me for attacking a high-class vampire?

I heard some shuffling until I saw his fancy leather shoes right in front of mine. He gently held my chin and made me look up at him. His beautiful face contrasted with my tearful one. I was sure my nose and my cheekbones were red, my cheeks wet.

"You're Jeon Jungkook, right?" He asked. I nodded in response.

He hummed, before walking away. I stared after his retreating figure. I stood on the carpet, awkwardly playing with my feet. I didn't dare to look around.

I hoped mum and hyung were okay. The money I saved would hopefully provide for them for at least a year. Were they hurt?

I was brought out of my thoughts when the vampire from before walked in with two other vampires. I stopped playing with my feet and stood still, not daring to look up.

"That's him?" An extremely deep voice asked.

"Yeah. Take him to the room. You know what to do," the vampire from before said before walking away.

Tears welled in my eyes in fear of what was to happen next. I felt a presence behind me, indicating that someone was standing behind me. Another vampire stood in front of me.

"Look up," the one in front ordered. I looked up, only to stumble back in shock due to the proximity between our faces. The vampire behind me held my waist, making me flinch at the contact.

"I'm Jimin," the one in front introduced. He had blonde hair. "The vampire behind you is Taehyung, and the one you met earlier is Seokjin, but everyone calls him Jin."

"What's your name, cub?" Taehyung asked. He had black hair, I saw that when he entered the room.

"J-Jungkook," I responded, my voice was soft but loud enough for them to hear.

"Well then, Jungkook. Let's take you to your room, shall we?" Jimin suggested. Of course, I had no say in that matter, so I nodded. I was proven right when Taehyung picked me up bridal style. I instinctively wrapped my hands around his neck in shock, but quickly detached them.

"W-why am I h-here?" I asked, avoiding Taehyung's heated gaze. Were they going to kill me for hurting a vampire?

"You'll know soon," Jimin answered, keeping a stone-cold gaze ahead of him.

"I want to go home," I whispered to myself. Taehyung's grip on me tightened, making me realize that he heard me. I looked over at Jimin, who had also tensed up at my words.

"This is your home now, little cub. You're not going anywhere," Taehyung said, his tone was sharp and was laced with a hint of anger. I pursed my lips after that.

I didn't want to stay with them, I needed to find a way to escape. Mum and hyung needed me, I had to be with them.

Jimin opened a door to reveal a bedroom. "This is our room. Now, we can give you a tour later. You need to shower and get ready for dinner," Jimin said, motioning towards where I'm guessing is the bathroom.

Before I could take a good look at the room, Taehyung put me down and guided me to the door which opened to reveal a closet. On the other side of the closet was a door that led to the bathroom.

"We'll set out some clothes for you. Seeing as we don't have clothes of your size, we'll have to give you some of ours. Go in, we'll leave some clothes on this counter," Taehyung explained. I nodded and walked inside, making sure that the door was locked. I slid down to a sitting position, my back against the wall.

I let out a small whimper as my mind finally processed everything that had occurred, tears freely falling down my face. I was never one to be able to keep my tears in. I was always the expressive child, I could never fake an emotion.

There was a knock on the door. "Jungkook, you might want to hurry up. You don't want to anger Jin," Jimin's voice rang through the door. I quickly got up and took a shower.


I timidly walked out of the closet in an oversized black hoodie and a pair of blue basketball shorts. Taehyung and Jimin seemed to be in the middle of a heated whispering argument. But once I stepped out, they turned their attention to me. They stared at me until I let out a small cough of discomfort.

I hadn't seen them smile or anything, had I? Then again, I only spent less than twenty minutes with them.

"Let's go," Jimin said, holding me by my waist. He was an inch taller than me. I yelped at his actions, memories flashing through my mind. I pushed them to the back of my mind, not wanting to have a breakdown in front of two vampires that could easily take advantage of my vulnerability. The thought of them drinking my blood sent a wave of fear over me.

I subtly tried to get out his grip as we walked, but he only pulled me closer to him. Walking was uncomfortable since I was half flushed against his body. I kept stumbling, but he would pull me back up.

He let go when we reached- what I figured was- the dining room. There were four other vampires already sitting at the table. I looked at my feet when they stopped their conversations and turned their attention to us. My face turned red from all the stares I was receiving. Taehyung guided me to a chair beside Jin and sat down on my other side.

"Let's start," Jin spoke up.

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