24. Dream

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"If you don't mind answering, why do you hate vampires?" Namjoon asked. I looked around to see that everyone's attention was perked up, curious as they patiently waited for me to answer.

"Because... of t-the oppression?" It came out as a question. They exchanged glances, and I knew they knew I wasn't telling them the whole truth.

It was silent for a while until Jimin spoke up. "What do you do in your free time?" He asked. I thought about it. I didn't usually have free time, and when I did, I usually helped out at home, much to my family's dislike.

"I d-draw and help out around the house," I said. I didn't draw much, but I didn't want to just leave my response in the air.

"What's your dream?" Taehyung asked. I looked at him confused. He clarified, "what do you want to be when you grow up?"

I never really thought about my life like that. Sure I imagined life outside Seoul, but it only extended to the place we would live in, not what we would do if we ever managed to leave Seoul.

"I don't k-know, really. I n-never imagined life o-outside Seoul unless i-it was a place to l-live," I said, thanking Jin for the sandwich he gave me.

"So if you think about it, what would you want to be?" Jin asked.

"Off the t-top of m-my h-head, I guess a f-florist," I said, scrunching my face in thought. I loved learning. And I loved learning about flowers even more. They had color, represented joy, emotions, personalities. While some people thought they were made just for the beauty of the world, I thought they were made to make people feel less lonely, bring color to their lives.

"I didn't see any plants in your old home," Yoongi pointed out.

"We didn't have the m-money to afford t-them. Nor did we have the time to take care of plants," I said. My stutter had significantly decreased, and that scared me. I knew I wasn't a vampire, but I knew it was the bond that was making me feel less scared around them. While I was grateful that I could act tough in front of them to prevent them from hurting me again, I hated it cause I knew what was going to come next: infatuation.

The last thing I wanted was to fall for them. I hated their kind with a burning passion. Their kind killed my father, and I promised I would avenge him if the time ever came. Unfortunately, the only way I could pinpoint the vampire responsible was by their voice. They were too quick for me to see.

I knew that these six were not responsible for my father's death, but they were in no way innocent. They killed hundreds of humans, and continue to do so. They had an endless supply of blood packs, yet they went and killed humans as if they were meaningless nothings.

"Don't worry about that now. We can always provide you with whatever you want," Jimin said. I looked at him briefly before looking back down and nodding.

I didn't trust them, not one bit.

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