31. Rock

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^Jungkook's POV^

"Do you- do you feel better?" I asked. I didn't think their pasts could actually get to them. I mean, they acted as if nothing bothered them. When I saw Taehyung so vulnerable on the bed, I panicked. I didn't know what to do if someone was having a panic attack, so I did the first thing that came to my mind and that was to distract him.

Not hearing a response, I looked up at him. He fell asleep. I slowly moved around to get out of his grip, but he whimpered and tightened his grip. Clearly, he liked to cuddle, which would explain why only he and Jimin share a room.

I sighed and tried to leave once again without waking him up, but I failed since he opened his eyes.

"Where are you going, little one?" He asked. I could feel the blood rushing to my ears at his gaze, mentally cursing the bond as I answered him.

"Uh... do you feel better?" I asked him, my hand now on his bicep.

"Much better. Do you want t-" he was cut off by my window breaking. We quickly sat up, Taehyung instinctively wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked at the clutter of broken glass to see a rock among the broken shards. Before I could comprehend anything, Taehyung used his vampire speed and peered out the window, searching for the culprit. He didn't have to worry about getting hurt by the glass since he had vampire healing abilities. I carefully tread over to the rock and picked it up. Seeing as there was a note tied to the rock, I opened it.

Taehyung quickly turned around, hearing the gasp I let out. He didn't hesitate to come over to me and pick me up. He placed me on his hip as he took me away from the sharp fragments of the glass. He placed me on the bed and took a seat beside me. I gave him the note.

How long do you think your walls are going to stay up? We know about your little human, better give up before we hurt his weak little family.

Taehyung glanced at my tearful face, his face void of emotion. "Shit," he muttered. He once again picked me up, this time making me wrap my legs around his waist from the front. I buried my face in his shoulder, letting the tears free. I was worried about my family.

The werewolves probably already had them in captivity. Hyung and mom did not know how to fight the supernatural creatures. Dad didn't teach them, only me. He told me to protect them, and I failed.

"Taehyu- what's wrong?" Hoseok asked, approaching us.

"Call everyone for a meeting, right now. It's an emergency," Taehyung's deep voice resonated. His voice had dropped an octave laced with seriousness.

"Okay," Hoseok responded. I heard a whoosh of the air, telling me that Hoseok sped off with his vampire speed.

"Don't worry, little one. Nothing is going to happen to you or your family," Taehyung comforted, softly rubbing my back. I sniffled in response. I knew the bond was causing me to seek his comfort. If the bond was weaker, I would have pushed Taehyung away when he cuddled with me.

He adjusted me in his hold as he sat in his office chair. He turned my body so I was draped across his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder. He gave me a soft peck on the top of my head as he typed away on the computer.

Once everyone had taken a seat in the office, Taehyung started speaking.

"I was in Jungkook's room when someone smashed the window. The rock came with this note," Taehyung said, passing the note to Jimin.

"Did you see who did it?" Yoongi asked.

"No, whoever did it, was gone by the time I reached the window," Taehyung said. "There are... more important things to worry about." He glanced at me.

"His family, we need to relocate them before the werewolves get to them," Hoseok said.

"Maybe to the palace?" Taehyung suggested.

"Too dangerous," Yoongi said.

"Hold on. I need to make a call first," Jin said, getting up. He went to the corner of the room and dialed a number.

"Kim Seokjin. I'm calling regarding one of the families living in the building. The apartment is under my name," Jin said into the phone. I wished I could hear what the person on the other side was saying.

"Ok. Fine. Update me if you have any news. I'll be down there in a while," Jin said, hanging up right after. He sat back down on the seat and looked at me cautiously. I adjusted my position, so I was sitting on Taehyung's lap with my feet touching the ground.

"Uh... Your uh..." Jin started. I sighed.

"Say it," I said, looking at him in sadness.

"They went missing. The vampires who were protecting them were found dead twenty minutes ago. Jungkook, I'm sorry," Jin said, looking at me pitifully. I took a shaky breath as Taehyung pulled me back into his chest and soothingly rubbed my stomach while whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

It was silent until Jimin broke it. "Who would have broken the window in Jungkook's room? If we find who did it, maybe we can find where his family is," he said.

"Maybe it's someone on the inside?" Namjoon suggested.

"Someone from the palace? That's impossible. Only vampires work here," Hoseok instantly retaliated. I ignored the heavy feeling in my chest and focused on the discussion.

"The wall isn't that far off from Jungkook's room, it might just be a werewolf with a good aim," Namjoon said.

"Well, let's investigate into this later. I need to go to the apartment right now," Jin said, getting up.

"Can I come?" I asked, in a soft voice. Jin looked at me reluctantly before looking at the others.

"It's quite dange-" Jimin cut Jin off.

"I'll come along... For Jungkook's protection," he said. He and Jin exchanged glances as if having a telepathic conversation.

"Fine," Jin sighed. He looked at me. "Go get ready. We'll leave in twenty minutes."

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