18. Hate

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^Taehyung's POV^

"Hoseok what the fuck? I thought we agreed on his punishment!" Jimin exclaimed, his anger surfacing. I could tell he was losing control. I quickly walked over to him and pulled him into a back hug, whispering calming words in his ear.

"Jungkook's... scared of us," he said, in a small voice. We could practically smell his emotions through the change in his blood due to the hormones.. Guilt and sadness, along with a hint of anger. We could only feel our soulmates' emotions when emotions a were strong. However, for that or soulmate must be a vampire.

"He is?" Yoongi asked, in a small voice. Jin rubbed Yoongi's back to comfort him, also looking sad.

"Yeah. How did we not notice it before? Every time we did anything around him, he flinched. He looked at us, so cautious. We are supposed to protect our mate, and we ended up hurting him. He would cry himself to sleep or sometimes he would be too anxious to sleep. How did we not feel the bond?" Hoseok asked, looking down.

We all looked down as we realized what we had done to our mate.

"H-how do we make it right?" I asked, looking around in concern. They all looked at me.

"It will take time, but we need to care for him. Show him that we care for him," Jin spoke up.

I looked at the prisoner who was watching us with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Let's go. We don't need prisoners listening in on our conversation," I said.

"So does that mean..." Namjoon trailed off. We all knew what he meant.

"Yes. We have to tap into our old selves," Yoongi said, with a clenched jaw.

^Jungkook's POV^

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself as I stared at my pathetic figure in the mirror in the bathroom.

I looked weak... vulnerable. I looked like a prey, which I was in this world. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I observed the bite marks on my body. There were four bite marks, three scattered on my neck, one near my collarbone. They were no different from the vampire who touched me. I hated them. I would never accept them as my mates.

'Yeah you will,' a voice in the back of my head said. I whimpered at the sharp pain in my head when I tried to retaliate.

I left the bathroom and got under the covers, ignoring the sharp pain in my head. I needed one peaceful night of sleep. At least one.

^Jimin's POV^

"H-hyung? When will we get to sleep in the nest room?" I asked as we made our way to the kitchen to get some blood packs. We could all smell Jungkook's blood, and it was driving us crazy. But if we wanted to make things right, we had to control ourselves.

"You know the rules of the nest room. When Jungkook accepts us as his mates, then we can sleep in the nest room," Hoseok said, patting my back as I sat on his lap, curling into a ball against him.

"I'll go check on him," Jin said, once he was finished with his blood pack.

"When do we turn Jungkook though? He hates vampires, so I doubt he wants to become one. And as much as I understand why, I don't think any of us could survive watching him grow old and die," Taehyung said, frowning. Silence dawned upon us as we thought about it.

He wasn't wrong, we wouldn't be able to hold back no matter how hard we tried. We all knew the answer to the question.

"We either convince him to turn into a vampire or we do it against his will," Yoongi said.

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