77. Marseille

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"Jungkook?" I woke up when Namjoon gently shook my shoulder. I hummed in question. "Can you come with me to the washroom?"

I nodded, getting up. I held his hand, rubbing my eyes as he led us to the washroom. Once inside, he locked the door. He took my wrist in his while I stared at his eyes that were drowned in regret.

"Bunny, I'm so so so sorry. I'm so sorry," he whispered, kissing the bruise on my wrist.

"It's alright," I mumbled. I knew he was being genuine. His eyes expressed it, and his voice crack only helped indicate at his regret.

"No it's not," he mumbled, kissing the bruise. I moved my hand out of his, and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist and he buried his face in my neck.

"Just don't do it again. You scared me," I mumbled.

"I won't," he promised, holding me. We stayed there for a while. It was when a small snore left his mouth that a giggle escape mine. Did he really fall asleep while hugging me in the washroom?

I pulled my arms back, moving them to hold his waist. I wrapped one arm around his waist to support him and used the other to put his arms around my shoulders. I lifted him up by his thighs, wrapping his legs around my waist.

I carried him back to his seat, sitting him down with Yoongi's help. I gave him a small peck on his cheek, letting him cuddle into the blanket that Yoongi wrapped around him, and walked back to my seat. I positioned Taehyung's head on my shoulder, and lulled myself to sleep.


When I awoke, the plane had landed. I shook Taehyung awake. "Baby bear, wake up. We landed in Marseille," I said.

Jimin walked up to us with a goofy smile. I looked at him in confusion. He leaned down to Taehyung's ear. "KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jimin yelled. Taehyung groaned, waving his hand and successfully slapped him. Jimin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He leaned down once again. "Yoongi said I'm his favorite," he said. I chuckled.

"No you're not. We all know he's got the softest spot for me," Taehyung mumbled, pushing Jimin's face away.

"Taehyung," Jimin sang. I pulled my arm out of Taehyung's grasp and stood up, collecting Jimin's, Taehyung's and my carry-on. I left Jimin to wake Taehyung up, and walked by Hoseok's side. There was small skip in my step as I observed the airport.

"Are you excited, bub?" Hoseok asked, his fingers interlaced with Namjoon. Seokjin and Yoongi walked ahead, Yoongi's drowsy self was leaning on his older mate for support.

"Yeah," I cheered. I looked back to see Jimin carrying a sleeping Taehyung. Worried about the height to weight ratio between the two, I went over to help. "I'll take him. You're too short to see over his shoulder and maintain the weight ratio without falling."

"W-what? Oi! Jungkook! Are you calling me a midget?" Jimin fought back, all the while complying to my offer, and handing me a clingy Taehyung.

"Your words, not mine," I said, shrugging. I let out a laugh as I left Jimin the stuff I was carrying, placing the carry-on bags on the ground so I had a head-start as I ran with Taehyung in my arms.

"No running," a security guard said, stopping me by tightly holding my bicep. I flinched in pain, and hissed at the cold contact. "Stop running little human, who knows what can happen to your kind these days."

"Sorry," I quickly apologized. I struggled to escape his grasp, my eyes widened as Taehyung stirred in my hold. "Let go," I hissed out, the freezing temperature of his hand contradicting the heat coming from Taehyung. Taehyung slipped out of my hold, standing straight as he glared at the guard. Jimin ran up to us using his vampire speed.

"Let. Him. Go. Mutt," Jimin growled out, his eyes gleaming red.

"Who do you think you're talking to, bloodsucker?" the werewolf growled out, his eyes gleaming yellow.

"A dog," Taehyung growled out.

I tugged on their sleeves. "Guys, let's go. Let's not fight," I mumbled.

"Listen to the sissy," the werewolf chuckled. Jimin didn't hesitate to land a punch on the werewolf. Taehyung pushed me back into Namjoon, who pulled me further away from the fight as more werewolf guards joined in. Soon enough, the others joined.

"N-Namjoon. They-" he cut me off.

"Stay here. Scream if someone gets near you," he told me, leaving to join the fight without another word. I watched them fight off the werewolves, biting my lip as they themselves received a good few hits.


"This is probably where your mates are held. We'll be right here with your bags. Why don't you go bail them out?" the lady who offered to help asked. Thankfully she knew Korean, and I guess I looked lost when my mates were being taken away by security, cause the very nice human lady approached me and offered to help. She and her husband helped me take our luggage and also helped me find the... airport prison? Was that what it was called?

"Yes. thank you so much. I'll be right back!" I exclaimed, running off. I could hear her fondly chuckle at me. When I ran in, I was met with the sight of my mates yelling at the guards.

^Narrator's POV^

Bold= English

Italics= French

"HEY! Let us out! Our mate is alone in a damn airport!" Jimin yelled, rattling the bars. He, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok were yelling at the unfazed werewolves and were shaking the bars. Taehyung and Yoongi were sitting at the back. Taehyung's head in his hands and Yoongi was comforting him.

Jungkook walked straight to the werewolves, ignoring the stares from his mates. "How much money... get mate out?" he asked in broken English. One of them looked up from their phone, smirking as he eyed the seventeen year old's figure. Fortunately, he was wearing Taehyung's hoodie, so his figure was more or less covered. Although skinny jeans were probably not the way to go because they still hugged his toned legs.

"Depends on how much you're willing to pay," he responded, smirking. The bunny boy looked at Namjoon to translate, but he was busy glaring at the werewolf.

"He has money. That should be enough," Namjoon responded in fluent English.

"I want to sleep with him," the same werewolf responded in French. The other werewolves laughed.

Jungkook ran out and returned with the lady from before. "I don't speak French or English. Can you translate?" Jungkook asked, looking at the lady with big innocent eyes that melted her heart. She nodded.

"How much to get the six of them out?" she asked. Jungkook looked back and forth between the two.

"His body," the werewolf responded, laughing at the end. The lady clenched her jaw as her urge to protect the little bunny grew stronger.

"Do you want me to go to the Council? Cause I will. My husband is in the Council. One call is all it takes for all of you to be executed," the lady's voice was dripping with threats, everyone in the room could sense that.

"N-no need for that. I-I'll let them out right now," the werewolf stuttered out in English. He quickly unlocked the cell and released the vampires. Hoseok and Jin instantly ran up to Jungkook and pulled him into an embrace while the others talked to the lady.

Welcome to Marseille Bangtan.

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