57. Scream

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"You... are in a lot of trouble," Hoseok said, pointing his finger at me. "How many times do we have to tell you to stop running headfirst into chaos?"

"A couple more, and maybe I'll consider listening," I retorted, slumping back into the car seat as Seokjin drove us to the hotel.

Seokjin screamed, clutching his head and letting go of the wheel, which started turning all on its own. My eyes widened, flashbacks of the car crash flooding my mind, causing me to panic. Taehyung reached over, unbuckled my seat and pulled me onto his lap. He held me tightly, preventing me from getting hurt by the shards if we were to get into a crash.

Yoongi reached over and grabbed the steering wheel, trying to get the derailed car back on the freeway, all the while dodging trees. I clutched on to Taehyung's shirt, burying my face in his clavicle (collarbone.)

He placed his hand on the back of my head to prevent my neck from snapping if we were to crash. I could feel Hoseok's hand slither between Taehyung and my body and unbuckle Taehyung's seatbelt. He proceeded to buckle both of us.

Jimin was yelling. Seokjin was yelling. Yoongi was panicking. Taehyung and Hoseok were trying to calm me down.. Namjoon was screaming bloody murder.

Finally, the car was stable. Taehyung rubbed my back to comfort me while Hoseok left comforting pecks on my exposed cheek. They both had tight comforting grips around my back. The screams became louder and my head became fuzzy as the car started drifting in circles.

"Is everyone okay?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah," Hoseok responded. "A little shook up." I reached over and unbuckled the seatbelt and slid into my seat. I took a deep shaky breath, resting my head on Taehyung's shoulder after putting on my seatbelt. I was hugging his arm for comfort as he checked on Jimin and Namjoon at the back. I looked at the two people in front to see that Yoongi and Seokjin had switched seats. Seokjin was still clutching his head in pain.

"Seokjin are you okay?" I voiced out my concern.

"Head. Hurts. Jin's trying to come out," he responded.

"Why does it hurt though?" Jimin asked. "Does it always hurt?"

"No, I don't know what's wrong. I think he's trying to force himself out. God, he's an idiot," Seokjin said, before letting out another yell of pain.

"Let him front. You're in too much pain!" Namjoon yelled from the back.


"Shirt up," Hoseok demanded. I looked at him confused. "I want to see your injuries."

"Oh, I wasn't hurt. He only slammed me against the wall. That's it," I said. He gently rubbed the back of my head to check for any injuries from the impact of being slammed against the wall, letting out a satisfied response when he realized that I was fine.

"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" Jimin asked, walking out of the bathroom.

"Around 5:30," Hoseok responded. I pouted. I wanted to sleep. I didn't want to wake up early and leave. Although I wouldn't mind leaving Daegu. Every time we came here, something or the other always happened.

"I don't wanna," I grumbled into my pillow as I lay across the foot of the bed. Jimin lay down beside me, facing me.

"You don't want to what?" He asked, lightly running his hands through my hair. I mumbled incoherently into the pillow.

A knock on the door made me lift my head and look at the visitor. Seokjin. No wait, his eyes are more... dull. Jin.

"Hey, what's up?" Hoseok asked.

"Namjoon wants to have a pillow fight," Jin said, walking in and plopping himself beside Jimin. One human and six vampires in a pillow fight? Yeah, no thank you.

"A pillow fight?" Jimin asked, earning a nod from Jin. "What is he, trying to get Jungkook killed?"

"I don't know. You know how he is. He may be the representative of the clan, but he's a baby at heart. He wants to spend more time with us," Jin said.

Hoseok let out a shrill exclamation as he lay across the three of us, making sure not to put too much weight on me. His legs were on Jin and his arms and head on my back. Jimin and Jin groaned as I let out a giggle at the ticklish feeling of Jimin's breath hitting a sensitive spot on my head.

"Let's go," Jin said, swinging Hoseok's legs off him causing the male to let out a loud yelp as he started falling off the bed. I caught him by his waist, pulling him back up and letting him roll onto Jimin.

Just as I was about to get up, Jin picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He chuckled as I tightly clutched on to his shirt out of shock.

"Jin! Put me down!" I exclaimed, pounding on his back. I extended my arms towards Hoseok, who was following us with his hands in his pocket. "Hoseok!!"

He grabbed me by my underarms and pulled me off Jin's shoulder. I clutched on to his shoulders as he carefully placed me on the ground, a small smile dancing on his lips.

I was the first to enter the room. My eyes widened and I ducked, letting the pillow hit Hoseok's face. I let out a chuckle, grabbing the pillow and running inside with a big smile on my face. I hid behind Taehyung, letting his tall body be my shield as I threw the pillow at Yoongi. Taehyung made sure to soften any hits that came my way by putting his arm in the middle of the pillows, making them bend and hit me gently on the head.

Namjoon hit Jimin hard, feathers littering the room. I let out a laugh at Jimin's baffled expression. Soon enough, the whole room was covered in feathers, just like us. I slumped on the bed, exhausted. It'd been a while since I had fun. It was refreshing, to say the least. Hoseok and Namjoon did the same on either side of me.

"How are you feeling, bun?" Namjoon asked, lying down on his side and propping his head up with his hand. He placed a hand on my stomach, caressing the area with his thumb.

"Tired," I breathed out, closing my eyes as I leaned to their warmth as they hugged me.

For once I actually felt safe.

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