73. Yoonminseok Date

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^Jimin's POV^

I was sitting on Taehyung's lap, making out with him. I left Namjoon for giving Jungkook sex-education and had barged into Taehyung's office, bored out of my mind. One second I was on his lap, helping him with his paperwork while we talked about whatever came to mind, the next, he turned me around on his lap, and started roughly- yet gently- making out with me. I moaned into the kiss, his tongue skillfully dominating mine.

It was no secret that Taehyung dominated all of us. He tried to bottom for Namjoon, but it didn't work out as well so they both ended up switching roles in the second round. Both of them were in pain from the penetration, so there rest of us ended up giving them aftercare.

The door opened, causing Taehyung and me to separate. I looked in the doorway to see Hoseok. "Jimin. Taehyung, Yoongi and I want to take you out," Hoseok said.

"I can't come. I have too much work here," Taehyung said.

"I'll come," I said, getting up and following Hoseok. "Can we just drop by Namjoon's office before we leave? I want to know if Jungkook still has his sanity."

^Jungkook's POV^

"I've explained how sex works. Now it's up to you to find out what your role is," Namjoon said, smirking.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"Through the magic of intercourse," Namjoon said, dramatically. "I mean, of course only when you're comfortable. It can differ from person to person, depends on who you're doing it with."

"How do guys have sex with each other?" I asked, inching closer to him out of curiosity. I unknowingly placed my hands on his thighs, waiting for him to explain.

"Oh uh... W-" he was cut off by Jimin and Hoseok barging in.

"JUNGKOOKIE!! Are you still sane?" Jimin yelled, walking in and throwing himself on to me.

I let out a giggle as I fell back into Namjoon's body. "I'm okay Jiminie," I said, as Jimin buried his face in my shoulder. I wrapped my hands around his neck, playing with his hair. "I have a question."

"What is it, bub?" Hoseok asked, sitting beside Namjoon and gave me a small peck on my forehead.

"How do guys have sex with each other?" I asked, feeling Jimin tense in my arms. I looked at Hoseok who avoided my gaze.

"Uh... I think Taehyung is the best person to talk about this," Hoseok said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was quick to change the topic. "Shouldn't you go pack? We leave for Paris at 3 in the morning tomorrow."

"I thought we were leaving on the 25th?" I asked.

"Tomorrow is the 25th," Namjoon said as Hoseok rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder, who gave him a small peck on the top of his head.

"Why are we leaving so early?" I asked, inhaling Jimin's shampoo's scent. "You know, some of us prefer sleeping in." A small pout danced on my lips.

"I know bun, but first we have to do some official work to do in Marseille in France," Jimin explained.

"Fine. I'll go pack. I'll talk to Tae tomorrow then," I huffed, leaving the room.

^Narrator's POV^

Jimin moved to let Jungkook leave, then he rested his head on Namjoon's chest. Namjoon had his arm wrapped around Hoseok's waist, another playing with Jimin's hair.

"My little babies," Hoseok mumbled, closing his eyes as ecstasy took over him when he inhaled their scents. He loved his mates and would give his life for them without hesitation. No, it wasn't his vampire instinct that made him want to protect his mates, it was the love he felt for them, their innocence yet their corrupt mind, their gentle yet rough behavior. They were beautiful, and he couldn't help but want to keep them all in his little pocket and to himself.

There was a knock on the door. Yoongi's head popped in, and he let out a smile at the warm sight of his consecutive three younger mates cuddling. "As much as I hate to disrupt you guys, we better get going before it gets dark," Yoongi said.

"Yep, I'll leave you three to it. Be safe," Namjoon said, getting off the bed along with his two cuddly mates. Jungkook really had brought out their soft sides. It had been a while since any of the six showed affection towards each other, and it was tearing them apart. The bond was being disrupted. Then Jungkook came along. It took a while, but they eventually let their soft sides show. They did regret what they put Jungkook through, and they would never forgive themselves for that. But they would do their best to make sure that Jungkook knows that they would never do it again and that he is loved.

Jimin sat in the back, pouting because he lost the coin flip to sit upfront. "Where are we going?" Jimin asked.

"To a bar," Hoseok said, not providing many details.


"A KARAOKE BAR??!" Jimin squealed, jumping up and down in excitement, clutching onto his mates' shirts.

"Calm down mochi," Hoseok said. Jimin stilled, looking at him in shock. It had been three years since he last heard that nickname.

"M-mochi?" Jimin stuttered out. Yoongi smirked, pulling his younger mate closer to him by his waist.

"Yes baby. It's time to bring bits of the past back, isn't it?" Yoongi asked, cocking his head to the side. Excited, Jimin pulled his dates to a table near the stage, but far enough from other people.

"Hello, gentlemen, what can I get for you?" a waitress asked.

"A Cosmopolitan cocktail for me, and two Mojitos for these two," Jimin ordered, his attention focused on the karaoke. Their last date was three years prior, at the same bar. The bar didn't change much since then.

"Can we?" Hoseok asked, excitement settling in him, as he turned to look at their oldest mate there.

"Go ahead," Yoongi said, taking a sip of his Mojito. Jimin and Hoseok went up to the stage, and soon enough, they were belting the songs, while Yoongi watched them with a proud gentle smile and loving eyes.

God he loved his mates.

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