22. Reality vs Dream

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(Warning- sensitive content.)

"You're safe little bub. No one's going to hurt you," Hoseok reassured from behind Jin, his hand reaching out to rest on my waist as if to reassure me. I nodded against Taehyung shirt as I slowly fell into a deep slumber.


When I woke up, it was hot. Very hot. I was sweating, and most likely stinking as well. I groaned in annoyance as I sat up. I sleepily looked at Jin and Taehyung who were on either side of me, sleeping. My legs were tangled with Jin's while Taehyung's leg was thrown over my torso. The others seemed to have already woken up. Someone must have closed the window.

I sighed, slowly moving out Taehyung's and Jin's hold, letting them lean forward to cuddle up with each other. I broke into a small smile, mentally capturing the soft scene as Jin rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder, who proceeded to wrap an arm around Jin's waist.

I quietly made my way to my room and quickly got ready.

Once I was done, I went to Jimin's office. I stood outside his door, taking a deep breath before lifting my hand to knock. However, before I could, Jimin told me to enter. I ignored it, knowing it was his abilities that allowed him to know that I was there.

When I entered, he was reading a paper. There was a pile of folders and files on the desk beside his laptop. What paperwork did they have?

"Am I disturbing you?" I asked, standing by the doorway. He looked up at me and shook his head.

"No, I can always pass this off to Taehyung. He loves doing paperwork for some reason. Did you need something?" He asked me. I fidgeted with my hands.

"I... wanted to see my family," I mumbled. Fortunately, he heard me clearly.

"No," he said, looking back at his paperwork. I looked at him sadly.

"Okay. I'll leave you to your work then," I said, before heading out. I stood outside the door, looking at my hands as tears welled up in my eyes. No, I had to be strong. I couldn't cry or they'd take advantage of me again.

I took a deep breath while wiping my eyes with my sleeve. "It's okay. You can see mom and hyung some other day," I muttered to myself. "They're safe. That's all that matters."

I made my way to the garden. I didn't like leaving my room because of the many vampires that constantly roam the halls. I liked staying in my room. It let me believe that I wasn't living under the same roof as vampires. Unfortunately, someone always managed to pop my personal bubble by entering my room without knocking. Half of the time, I didn't even know the vampire who came in.

I looked at the flower beds. They looked so beautiful, so free. I envied them too. They were alive and living their best life while I suffered in the hands of the people I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with.

I approached the swing that was in the garden and lay down on it after a few swings. It was pleasant, and definitely a change of scenery. I would sleep if my mind wasn't always on alert, especially since I was out in the open.

What if everything was a dream? What if I was still sleeping? Maybe if I woke up, I wouldn't be mated to the six vampires that had brought nothing but stress to me and my family. I could no longer tell the difference between dream and reality, and it frustrated me. I just wanted to leave. I wanted to be selfish for once and do something that would benefit me.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, stopping the swing and peering down at me. I nodded, closing my eyes. Of course, someone would come to 'check up' on me.

I could feel him stare at me for no absolute reason, so I opened my eyes and sat up. "Is there anything y-you n-needed?" I asked, trying not to come off rude, but also trying to make it obvious that his presence was not wanted.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to do something," he said, looking behind me. I turned around to see the other five in the distance, staring at us with...desperation? I couldn't quite make out since they were quite a distance away.

"W-what do you want t-to do?" I asked, looking back at Taehyung.

"Hmm... Maybe give another attempt at the date?" He asked. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere, but I didn't want to make them angry either.

"O-okay. We can do that," I said, getting up from the swing. "I'll go get ready"

He stopped me by my wrist as I was leaving. "Don't! I mean, you don't have to dress up. You're fine the way you're dressed," he said. I nodded and looked down as we headed to the others, Taehyung's hand on my lower back.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jimin asked, sitting beside me. I timidly nodded. A lie. The last thing I wanted was to spend time with them. Did I have a choice? Yes. Was I going to risk angering them and say no?

"We're here. Let's go," Hoseok said, helping me out of the car.

No, I wasn't.

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