37. Leaving

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Two days after hyung woke up, we put the plan in action. We had already arranged for everything. Although there was one thing we didn't tell my family.

"Will you take care?" I asked, hugging my mom.

"Yes. Now, don't forget to keep that dagger with you at all times. I don't need anything else happening to you," mom said, sending a sharp glare in my mates' direction. The plan was that when Jin and Yoongi dropped my family off and helped them settle in their new home, they would give them water, mixed with a potion which would make them forget... me.

They had some connections to a warlock, so they got the potion made.

It was my plan, actually. I wanted my family to live a life without worrying about me. It's probably for the best.

With a sad look, I watched the car leave. Hoseok walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "You okay, bub?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"It's for the best," I said, looking down. He squeezed my shoulder to comfort me.


I stared at my hands, hallucinating blood on them. Blood of the werewolves I killed. In everyone's eyes, it was self-defence. In my eyes, it was murder.

But at the same time, I didn't regret it. That scared me. I didn't want to enjoy killing people. I know I was protecting my family, but I didn't want to kill. Only mildly injure. I was so overcome with the protective instinct, I ended up killing them. On top of that, we didn't even escape. So I killed for nothing.

"Taehyung get back here!" I heard Jimin yell as a giggling Taehyung entered my room, closing the door and jumping on the bed. He landed right next to me, getting under the covers. Jimin barged into my room, jumping straight on to Taehyung.

"No! I'm sorry!" Taehyung laughed out as Jimin ripped the covers off and started tickling him. Taehyung's laugh... it was a melodious voice. Loud, but comforting. It was good to see them laughing and smiling.

Observing them closely, I noticed that Jimin was wet. It was clear that Taehyung pranked him. I could see Jimin getting a bit too aggressive while tickling Taehyung so I broke them apart even though they couldn't hurt each other.

"Stop! You'll hurt each other or break something!" I exclaimed, but they didn't seem to hear me. Their tickle fight had become a wrestling match.

Namjoon and Hoseok had come to my room to see what the ruckus was about. Their jaws dropped at the sight. It must have been a long time since they loosened up.

"Hoseok! They're going to hurt each other!" I yelled, panicking. My voice snapped them both out of shock and they ripped the two apart. Taehyung and Jimin didn't care and just fell to the floor laughing and giggling.

Hoseok ignored the two, who seemed to be on something, and walked over to me. "Jin and I want to talk to you. Can we?" He asked, biting his lip. His nervousness made him look adorable, and made me feel some type of way.

I nodded, slipping out of bed. I followed him to the palace front doors. "Are we going out?" I asked.

"Yeah, just for a short drive. You know, to clear your head," Hoseok said.

I bit my lip in worry, flashbacks of the crash flooding my brain.

"If you'd like, we can get the others too," Jin said, sensing my worry.

"J-Just one more if that's okay with you. And if the others want to come along, then that's fine with me," I said, looking down.

"Of course, lamb," Jin said, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "We understand."

We waited while Hoseok ran and got Namjoon. Namjoon was slung over Hoseok's shoulder, throwing question after question at the unfazed male.

I looked at Jin in concern. I hope Namjoon wasn't doing something important.

As if sensing my silent question, Jin shook his head. "Don't worry, Namjoon would do anything to get out of signing papers." I pursed my lips and nodded. Thank god they were not making me do any paperwork. Not like I'd know what I would need to do.

I wonder what type of paperwork they got.


I looked at Hoseok in confusion as the car rolled to a stop. I was tense, observing our surroundings the whole car ride. Namjoon massaged the back of my neck to calm me down.

"Let's take a walk," Namjoon said. I got out of the car and followed Jin into the woods while Hoseok and Namjoon walked behind us.

Jin intertwined our hands to put me at ease, which worked. I felt safer, and it was not the bond.

"Is there a particular destination, or are we aimlessly walking?" I queried, excited about being outside the palace.

"Well, there is a destination. I'm sure you'll like it," Jin said, pulling me closer to him as the path got narrower.

"Oh. I was thin-" I was cut off by Jin yelping. He let go of my hand and stumbled forward, his hands instinctively supporting Hoseok's legs that were wrapped around his waist.

Hoseok jumped on Jin's back, giggling. His eyes crinkled and his mouth formed a heart-shaped smile, exposing his teeth. I smiled automatically seeing his smile. It was contagious.

Namjoon ran over to me and jumped on my back, earning a yelp from me. I supported his under-thighs, letting out a laugh at the giggle in my ear. I was strong enough to support him on my back, he wasn't heavy at all.

"Am I heavy, little bun?" Namjoon whispered into my ear, his husky voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Not at all. You should eat more," I said.

"Once vampires reach a certain age or is transformed, their weight remains the same for the rest of their life. So us eating more won't affect a thing, baby," Jin said. I blushed at the nickname.

"Oh..." I trailed off. I decided to change the subject. "When are we reaching?"

"Soon bub," Hoseok said.

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