36. Agreement

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It had been a week since they brought us home. I stayed with my family in the medical ward most of the time. My mom turned out to be more or less alright, she was much healthier after she started eating good food. Her food was amazing, but her recipes were limited. Eating something different and healthier definitely must have helped her become healthy.

My brother was saved on time, I donated my blood to him every three days. We would use the blood bags here in the palace, but they ran out of O-ve blood. (I know Jungkook's blood type is A, but according to research, blood O is the tastiest, which is why the vampires are so hooked on his blood.)

The only time I did leave the medical ward is to take a bath, eat or check up on mom who was given a room to herself. I even slept in the medical ward.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi called out from the entrance of the ward. I looked up at him. "Can you go to Namjoon's office? We want to discuss something with you."

I nodded, getting up from the chair beside me. I knocked on Namjoon's door, entering when he gave me permission. Once everyone was seated, Namjoon spoke up.

"So, Jin told us you wanted your family to move outside Seoul?" He confirmed. "And... with new identities?"

"Y-yeah," I said, biting my lip in worry.

"I hope you can see why we cannot allow that?" Hoseok said. I frowned, pouting a little bit.

"Why not? They're obviously not safe here. What better than a new life together?" I asked.

"Jungkook, you're our mate. We cannot let you go. We will not allow this," Jimin said.

"I wasn't talking about me though. I didn't expect you to agree if I was in the condition. I was talking about my mom and my hyung only," I clarified. I knew Jin misunderstood me!

"Oh," Hoseok said. "I think we can work something out for that."

"Really?" I asked, looking at him with big eyes.

"Yeah," Jin said, smiling. His cheeks inflated and his eyes crinkled. He looked... adorable.

"Thank you," I said, smiling softly.

"Anything for you, bun," Namjoon said.


"NO!" My mom exclaimed, causing me to flinch at the sudden loudness. Yes, I just told her about the agreement.

"Mom, I can't have you in danger. You'll be safe, happy even," I argued.

"Do you think we'll be happy knowing that you are stuck in this awful city run by vampires? Jungkook, use your brains," she said.

"Mom. You can start a new life. I'll be safe. These vampires... they'll keep me safe," I said. I didn't believe that they could keep me safe since I need to be safe from them, but anything that would get my family a better life.

"Jungkook honey, I know how much you idolized your father and want to be like him, but-" I cut her off.

"Don't bring dad into this. Yes, I idolized him, but he's dead now. There's nothing we can do about that. I'm not trying to be like dad, I'm trying to protect you and hyung," I said, sharply. Tears welled in her eyes and my gaze softened.

"Baby, who will protect you?" She asked, cupping my face.

"I'll protect myself. You know I can," I said. She smiled.

"I know. Your father taught you everything you need to know to protect yourself from the supernatural creatures," she said. And I knew, she had accepted the agreement.

Now we just had to wait for hyung to wake up before executing the plan.

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