55. Dangerous

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"I DON'T FUCKING CARE! I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I backed up into Hoseok in fear as Taehyung had another outburst.

Hoseok wrapped his arms around my chest and stomach to provide comfort. I leaned into his embrace, Taehyung's outburst shaking every one of my nerves.

"Taehyung, it's the Council. We need to go," Jimin said, trying to calm down the youngest vampire.

"NO!" He yelled. "You know what happened last time, Jungkook got hurt! Everyone got hurt!"

"We all healed," Namjoon said.

"I don't care! Jungkook is still human! It's too dangerous!" Taehyung yelled. What was more dangerous than living with these six human-mosquitoes?

Taehyung reached over and harshly pulled me out of Hoseok's hold, earning a yell of surprise from me. He pushed me behind him, his strength causing me to stumble back into a wall.

"Well, that's why you should come!" Yoongi exclaimed. Everyone went quiet. "You can help protect Jungkook. Like last time."


Jimin further curled up into my side, his arms wrapped hugging my arm as he slept. I pushed down the discomfort that was bubbling inside me and looked out the window. Taehyung pulled into the parking spot. I took in our surroundings, not recognizing it. Probably because last time, I was drunk on low blood.

I slowly took my arm out of Jimin's hold and shook him awake. "We've reached," I said. He got up, rubbing his eyes. Without another word, I opened the door and walked out. I started making my way behind the car, but I was pulled back by my forearm. My side came into contact with a hard torso. I looked up at Taehyung, who was staring at me with an unreadable expression.

"You're staying by mine and Namjoon's side at all times," Taehyung said. I nodded, looking down. He moved his hand from my forearm to my palm and intertwined our hands. Namjoon came over to my other side and did the same with my other hand.

When we entered the room, all eyes fell upon us. I hid a little behind Namjoon, shying away from the stares. Taehyung pulled me over to the chairs and made me sit between him and Namjoon. There was a small pout on my face as one of the Council members cleared their throat.

"Jeon Jungkook," one of them called. I looked up at the woman who called me.

"I am the representative of the dragon community. How are your mates treating you?" She asked.

I looked at Taehyung, before looking back at her. "G-good," I said. She squinted her eyes at our small interaction and let out a hum, writing something down.

"What's your plan for the future?" One of the men asked.

"How does that concern you, human?" Namjoon said, bitterness in the voice when he said the last word. I flinched at that. Taehyung reached over and placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing circles for comfort. I leaned into his touch as it started calming my nerves.

"He's someone of my species. Of course, it concerns me," he responded.

"We turn him when he turns eighteen," Hoseok answered. I tensed up. Taehyung squeezed my thigh, I moved my leg away from him in response.

"Which is when exactly?" The dragon lady asked.

"Two months," Hoseok responded.

"With his consent, I hope," the human said.

"Of course," Hoseok answered, through gritted teeth.

We knew that was a lie.


Jimin, Hoseok and I were sharing a room at the hotel. Taehyung and Namjoon were sharing another, and Jin and Yoongi were in another.

Once we settled in, Hoseok sat down on the bed beside me and started using his phone. Jimin sat on my other side as I lay down in between the two. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I curled up on my right side, the top of my head was pressed against Jimin's thigh.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, Jimin picked me up and made me sit on his lap, facing him.

"What?" I mumbled. He stared at me. I saw Hoseok glance at us in my peripheral vision.

"Are you tired?" Jimin asked.

"Take a guess," I mumbled.

"No?" he said, playfully.

"Take another guess," I responded. Giving up on him, I leaned into his hold, resting my head on his shoulder. The scent of his shirt started lulling me back to sleep. He buried his face in my neck, inhaling my scent.

Hoseok gently pulled Jimin and I to our side, making us lie down. He tucked us under the blanket, wrapping an arm around my and Jimin's waist. I let out a small whimper when Jimin subconsciously tightened his grip on me. He instantly loosened his grip, mumbling a small 'sorry' into my neck.

The last thing I heard before falling asleep was:

"We're not going to turn you without your consent, bub."

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