45. Comfort

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"Yeah what's up?" I asked Jimin, opening the suitcase Yoongi put in my room for me.

"Two things actually. One, you're sleeping with Taehyung and me tonight. Two, do you know what's going on between Jin and Yoongi?" he asked me.

"No, I don't," I lied, hoping it was smooth.

"Jungkook," he said, using a stern voice. "I can hear your heartbeat pick its pace. Stop lying."

"Look, it's not my place to tell," I said. "Ask them yourself."

He stared at me for a while before walking out.


There was a knock on my door just as I finished zipping up my bag. Taehyung walked in with an unreadable expression.

"Time to go to bed, Jungkook," he said. I nodded, grabbing my pillow and following him to his room.

"Hey little one," Jimin said, walking over to me and pulling me over to the bed. "You're in the middle."

Again? Last time I was in the middle I woke up to Jimin and Taehyung wanting to drink my blood. Why did I have to be in the middle?

"Can I-" Taehyung cut me off.

"No," he said, his voice dropping lower. I pursed my lips and got into bed. Jimin took my pillow and flung it across the room. I looked at the pillow that was lying in front of the closet door.

Taehyung pulled me into his chest, Jimin hugging me from behind. Jimin threw a leg over Taehyung and me while I adjusted to a more comfortable position. My cheek was squished against Taehyung's neck. His scent and their warmth started lulling me to sleep.

"Little one?" Taehyung called out. I hummed into his neck.

His hand moved from my back and up my shirt, his cold touch sending shivers up my spine.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" he asked as Jimin kissed my nape. I let out a sigh of content as Taehyung traced figures on my back. I feared them, but their touch was comforting. I hated this, I hated these conflicting emotions. I didn't want them, but at the same time, I did. I felt safe in their arms, content even. Yearning for more of their touch, I pressed myself further into Taehyung, his grip on me tightening on instinct.

"I don't know. Ask Jin," I mumbled.

"How are you feeling?" Jimin asked. "You know, after everything that's been going on?"

"I'm fine," I mumbled, my sleep slowly disappearing.

"You sure, baby?" My heart picked up its pace when Taehyung called me that.

"Yeah," I responded. Why did they care?

"Okay. Goodnight," Jimin said, lulling me to sleep by tracing figures on my abs.


"JUNGKOOK! Are you ready to go?!" Jin called for me from his room, which was beside mine.

"Yes!" I said, my voice slightly high. I knew he could hear me, so raising my voice was not needed.

I took my suitcase and dragged it to his room. I was scared. I didn't know what to expect. Jin did say that he hurt Yoongi even though Yoongi was his mate. Also, since mates made you stronger, wouldn't Seokjin be stronger too? They didn't even give me a choice. They just told me that I was to go on a trip with Jin.

I took a deep breath, letting Yoongi take my suitcase and lead the way to the car. I had never left Seoul, let alone South Korea. I didn't want to go anymore. I promised to go with my family. The family that doesn't know I exist. I promised to go with them, not a vampire. As intriguing as I found Jin's diagnosis, I feared him as a vampire, I was sure the fear would only increase when he dissociated.

"I don't want to go," I muttered over to Yoongi. It was just the two of us who were in the halls.

"You don't have a choice Jungkook," he said, not even sparing me a glance.

"I mean, I would if you would give me one," I sassed. He stopped in his tracks, causing me to stop too. He glared at me.

"Be grateful to us Jungkook. We're keeping you safe. If it were up to us, then you wouldn't even be human right now. Be grateful by shutting up and doing what we tell you to do," he said, harshly.

I bit my lip and looked down as we continued walking. Why was it that whenever I was close to opening up to them, something happened and I retracted from them? What was wrong with me?

"Do you have to go?" Hoseok whined as we reached the front gate. "Moreover, do you have to take Jungkook?"

"Yes," Jin said.

"When will you come back?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm not sure. Jungkook, you got everything?" Jin asked me. I nodded. After saying our goodbyes, Jin and I entered the car.

The drive was silent, I stared out the window, dread filling my body as we neared the airport.

"You okay?" I turned my head to look at Jin.

"Yeah," I said, Yoongi's words repeating in my head.

Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful.

He didn't look like he believed me, but fortunately, he didn't question any further.

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