81. Birthday

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"Bunny. Wake up," someone whispered in my ear. I grumbled and turned to make my back face whoever I knew I was going to be upset with for the rest of the day. "It's your birthday.~"

"Well then let me sleep as my birthday present," I mumbled, pulling the covers over my head. Yoongi got under covers with me and hugged me from behind. He sighed in content as I relaxed into his touch. His warmth lulled me back to sleep.


"Yoongi! We sent you to wake him up, not to fall asleep beside him!" Someone whisper-yelled. The only person I know who would get away with speaking to Yoongi so informally was Jin.

"Don't blame me, Jungkook wanted his birthday present to be sleep. What's wrong with sharing?" he grumbled, moving away from me. I heard a thud and opened my eyes to see Jimin dragging a sleepy Yoongi out of the room by his leg.

"Good morning," I mumbled out as I sat up. I was too groggy to notice Jin fixing my crumpled shirt. I crawled off the bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I met Jin in the room once again, clutching on to his shirt as he led the way to the living room. Apparently, they rented some villa of some sort. "Do we have banana milk?"

"No, but do you want a strawberry milkshake?" Jin asked. "I think Hoseok and Namjoon are making some."

I shook my head. "I'm allergic to strawberry and cranberry," I responded.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNGKOOK!!" Everyone cheered, scaring the living crap out of me. Once I overcame the shock, I smiled.

"Thank you," I said. Jimin walked over to me and pulled me to sit between him and Namjoon. I was going to serve myself some egg and sausages when Jin pushed a cake in front of me. I looked at him in confusion. "A cake? Why?"

"It's your birthday, honey. A cake is part of the tradition," Jimin said, running his hand through my hair. He gave me a small kiss on my head.

"Oh... How does it go?" I asked, looking at the burning candles that screamed 'hazard.'

"Well, it differs from family to family. We sing you a song, and then you blow out the candles. Then Yoongi will cut the cake and we all get to eat," Jimin said, his eye smile melting my heart.

I kept my gaze on the cake as they sang the traditional song. Our family didn't have special traditions for our birthdays. We made a mutual agreement to not spend money on things like cake or even the ingredients to bake a cake. We took the day off from work and just spent time together, if we had enough money, we would prepare a feast for celebration. We were happy.

"Jungkookie, blow out the candles and make a silent wish," Namjoon motioned, rubbing my back. I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. I closed my eyes and blew the candles.

'I wish they forgive me for what I was planning,' was my wish.

I faked a smile, watching Yoongi cut the cake into slices. He gave me the biggest slice. One bite into the chocolate cake and I almost had a food orgasm. My mom baked amazing cakes, but never that good. It was, by far, the best thing I had ever tasted.

"Ooooh! I love this!" I mumbled out, scarfing down the food. I looked up at my mates with innocent eyes to see them staring at me with fond smiles. "What?"

"Baby, you got a little... all over your face," Hoseok motioned. I looked at him in confusion. He let out a chuckle, grabbing a tissue and wiping my cheeks. I whined in protest, the rough texture of the tissue irritating my skin. "Sorry bubble, I'm almost done."

"Can I have more?" I asked, not caring about the fact that I still had chocolate smeared over my face.

"Of course, doe. It's your cake after all," Yoongi said, smiling at me as he put another slice on my plate.

"Bambi," Jin started. I looked at him, thanking Hoseok once he was done wiping my face. "We have a big day planned for you."

"Really? What are we doing first?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he said, winking. I replicated Yoongi's signature derp face. Although my face lit up when my plate slid in front of me, a large chunk of cake on the plate.

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