12. Car Ride

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(To get a better understanding, look at the doorway in the back with full brightness.)

I held Yoongi's hand as we made our way to the car. I didn't want to go, but it wasn't like I had a choice. It was hard to match their pace, I was stumbling all over the place. Fortunately, Yoongi noticed and slightly slowed down.

They forced me to sit between them, so I was stuck between Hoseok and Namjoon in the far back. Taehyung and Jimin were in the middle seat while Jin and Yoongi were upfront, with Jin driving the car and Yoongi being the second driver.

I was tense, and they knew it. My heart was beating erratically, and I knew the could hear it. Hoseok's smirk even proved it. Jin played the radio, drowning out the sound of my erratic heart beat.

When I finally relaxed, Hoseok and Namjoon shuffled closer to me. I tensed up once again when they started caressing my legs I squirmed in my seat, using both my arms to push theirs off. I looked at Hoseok, begging him to stop, but he didn't even spare me a glance. He looked out of the window as if he wasn't doing anything.

Namjoon's hand moved from my leg and wrapped around my lower back, pulling me close to him as he also looked out the window.

Hoseok turned to me and motioned me to keep it down, making me purse my lips in response. I did not want to test his patience. I knew that the vampires were already on edge because of the Council, the last thing I wanted to do is push them over.

Hoseok quietly unbuckled my seat belt and pulled my feet up on the seats. I looked at him with wide eyes as he started running his hand up and down my thighs. Namjoon fixed my position as such, that my head rested on the window. His hand travelled up my shirt, rubbing circles on the way.

I looked in Yoongi's direction, hoping to catch his eye, but instead, I made eye contact with Jin, who looked at me through the mirror with hooded eyes. He increased the volume of the music.

Namjoon shifted my position so that I was straddling his lap. Hoseok let out a soft grunt of annoyance before going back to his original position, watching us with hooded eyes.

I gulped, breaking eye contact with Namjoon, who was looking at me with intensity. He smirked before placing a hand behind my head and pulling me closer to him. My head rested on his shoulder and he deeply inhaled my scent.

I let out a small whimper as his fangs grazed my neck. He didn't hesitate to pierce my sensitive skin. I let out a loud whine of pain as the scent of my blood probably filled the car. The music was turned off as we pulled to a stop.

"Namjoon, get the fuck away from him," Yoongi growled out, getting out of his seat and opening Jimin's side of the door.

I closed my eyes in pain as Namjoon sucked my blood in large quantities. I didn't know why, but his process had a worse effect on me than Jimin's did. I felt so weak.

Jimin quickly scooted over to Taehyung's lap, watching the scene unfold with red eyes. Yoongi pinched Namjoon harshly, causing Namjoon to detach from my neck and cry out in pain. His voice was mixed with mine as his fangs dragged an inch from its position, causing a small tear.

I put my hand to the right side of my neck, pressing on the wound to numb the pain. I was picked up from Namjoon's lap and placed on Hoseok's, my left side flushed against his torso. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain. I could feel the tears of pain starting to well in my eyes as I tried to hold them back.

"Dammit. Namjoon, seal the wound. You're the only one who can do it," I heard Taehyung's voice ring through the car.

Namjoon hovered over me and didn't hesitate before licking my wound. He licked the blood clean, also cleaning my fingers with his saliva. I felt disgusted when he started licking my fingers.

I slowly succumbed to the darkness.


I woke up with a jolt, my head paining as if I had a hangover.

"We reached," Yoongi mumbled, as Jin parked the car. I was seated in the middle row, window side with Yoongi on my left. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin sat at the back and Taehyung sat upfront with Jin.

Yoongi handed me a small orange juice packet as he helped me out of the car. He had a firm grip on my waist as I leaned into him for support while drinking the juice.

"You are not allowed to talk to anyone in there. Do you understand?" Jimin warned, giving me a pointed look. I nodded, resting my head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Okay then, let's get this meeting done with," Hoseok huffed, exiting the car.

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