66. In The Palace

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"Jimin are you okay?" I asked as Jin carried Jimin to the dining room.

"Yeah, little one. Why are you up so early?" Jimin asked, ruffling my hair once Jin placed him on the chair beside me, and took a seat across me. It was six in the morning, an unusual time for me to be awake, but I felt restless. I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen.

"I felt restless, like something bad is going to happen," I said, a small pout on my face as I fumbled with my fingers.

"We'll tighten patrol around the palace. No one comes in or goes out. Jimin, your healing should kick into place soon. Jungkook's going to stay with you and Taehyung tonight. We're not taking any chances," Jin said, his face deadly serious. They were actually validating my restlessness? That was new.

"Jin, isn't GOT7 coming with their new mate today?" Jimin asked.

"We'll cancel the meeting," Jin said.

"It's just a feeling. I'm sure it'll go away soon," I mumbled.

"Well, that's what we thought when I had that feeling. It was the same day I was taken," Taehyung spoke up. Everyone looked at him in shock, not expecting him to talk about his trauma so effortlessly, even though it was the outskirts of his trauma. I smiled a little, seeing the improvement in his mental health. Baby steps.

"Okay, but don't make a way too big deal out of it," I mumbled, slumping back in my seat while nibbling on my fork.

A scream from one of the halls made us all jump. I held Jimin up by the waist as growls got closer.

"Werewolves inside the palace?" I asked as Jimin leaned all his weight on me.

"Taehyung, take Jungkook and Jimin to the panic room, then come back. Namjoon, call the guards, leave two with Jimin and Jungkook. Hoseok, lockdown mode. Yoongi, call Mark and cancel the meeting. We can't have them running head-first into danger," Jin ordered. "I'll take care of these mutts."

Taehyung rushed over to Jimin and me. "Jungkook, I need you to carry Jimin until he fully heals, which won't take that long. Can you do that?" he asked me. I nodded, picking up Jimin and wrapping his legs around my waist. I placed one arm under him to keep him supported and held my dagger with the other. That way I could fight as well, and I could rely on Jimin to warn me of any danger coming from the back.

"Jungkook, you're walking ahead of me, it'll be easier to protect you both," Taehyung said, leading us through the camouflaged door in the dining room and into tunnels.

I walked as fast as I could with Jimin in my arms. Taehyung kept a firm hand on my lower back to help me support the extra weight, Jimin kept a keen eye behind Taehyung and me as we crossed intersections.

"Taehyung, three behind us!" Jimin warned.

"Two in front of us!" Taehyung warned at the same time as Jimin.

"Taehyung, take the three at the back, I'll handle the two in front. Jimin, don't move," I ordered, placing him on the ground, in the spot I deemed to be safest for him. "Warn us if something happens."

Taehyung started fighting the three wolves while I clutched on to the dagger, mentally thanking my mates for the narrow tunnels which fit one person at a time, as the werewolves lunged at me in their human forms. I ran towards them, pressing myself against the wall at the last minute to let them pass me. I slashed the first werewolf, ducking to void the claws of the second, but one grazed my shoulder as the first went past me.

With the second one passing me, they had their backs to me. I didn't hesitate to stab the first one straight in his spinal cord, causing him to fall down in paralysis as I started pulling out the dagger. But before I could retrieve my dagger, I was pushed away and pinned to the wall by the first werewolf. I tried to knee him, but he kicked my shin. I used my strength to push him off, quickly glancing at Jimin to make sure he was okay. He was staring at me in worry, as he slowly started to get up. I glanced at Taehyung to see him struggling with the two werewolves. Ignoring the werewolf who launched himself at me, I rushed to Taehyung's aid, retrieving the dagger on my way.

I stabbed the werewolf who was holding Taehyung by the neck. He let go of Taehyung, allowing him to take control of the situation again. I was pulled from the werewolf, who I stabbed, and pushed on to the ground. I groaned in pain. The werewolf straddled my waist, pressing on to my chest so not only was I suffocating, but I was also immobile. He raised his arm to slash my throat, but just as he brought down his hand, he was stopped by a strong grip on his wrist. Soon he was pushed off by Jimin, who crouched down beside me.

"Sit up and move out of the way. Catch your breath. Taehyung and I will be with you in a minute," he said, standing in front of me defensively. I coughed and gasped for air, slowly getting up and crawling to where I placed Jimin before. I panted heavily, closing my eyes. It didn't take long for one of my mates to pick me up. I opened my eyes to see Taehyung, wincing when my grazed shoulder came in contact with his.

"I hate this," I panted, leaning my head on his shoulder all the while ignoring the burning sensation on my shoulder.

"I know little one. We're going to get you to safety," Jimin consoled, carrying my dagger.

"I can walk," I said.

"This is faster," Taehyung denied, I didn't fight back.

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