67. History

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I leaned against the headboard, resting my head on Jimin's shoulder. It took a while, but all the werewolves were gotten rid of. We were all spread out in Jimin and Taehyung's room, just calming each other with our presence.

"How's your shoulder?" Jimin asked, resting his hand on my thigh.

"It's fine, just a small graze," I responded, closing my eyes.

"Here, let me see," Jimin said, holding me by the waist and pulling me to straddle his lap. I lowered one side of my shirt to expose my shoulder. It was barely a cut, I didn't see the point of worrying over it. I could feel everyone stare at my exposed shoulder, and I did my best to ignore them. "Oh, baby. I'm sorry we're not able to protect you properly." He pulled me closer and softly pecked on the graze.

My cheeks flushed when I realized he called me 'baby', and a soft noise came from my throat when his soft thick lips came in contact with my skin. I was glad he couldn't see my face, but I was aware of the presence of the five vampires in the room. "Y-you don't need to apologize. You guys have already protected me from so much," I stuttered out. He started pulling away, and I panicked. I didn't want him to see my flushed cheeks because I knew I would only become redder. So I acted quick and buried my face in his shoulder, causing him to stiffen in shock.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I was pretty sure they could hear my erratic heartbeat.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I mumbled into his shirt, nosing at his shoulder. His body slowly relaxed, and he wrapped his arms around me, slowly rubbing my back in comfort.

"Then rest. You woke up too early, and then you fought off werewolves," he said.

"Not good enough," I voiced out my thoughts.

"Baby bun, you did amazing. I'm so proud of how far you've come. You shouldn't derogate yourself just because you didn't get the results you wanted. You worked hard, and you did well," Jimin consoled, pulling me closer if that was even possible. I hummed in response, his warmth hitting me like a lullaby. "Baby, your birthday is coming up. Do you want to do anything special?"

"I wanna see my family. I want to see how they're doing," I mumbled.

"Bunny, we can't risk your family seeing you. It could bring back their memories, we can't let that happen," Jimin said, running his hand through my hair.

"Then from a distance. Even through some magic ball or something. I don't care. I-I just want to see them one more time. I promise won't ask for anything else," I said, tears rolling onto his shirt.

"I'll see what we can do," Jimin responded in a soft voice, but we all knew nothing could happen.

"I want my dad. I miss him," I cried into his shirt.

"Do you know where he is?" Namjoon asked, sitting beside Jimin.

"Dead," I said. He stiffened, mumbling a 'sorry.' "A vampire killed him in front of me. She was going to kill me, but my father took my place instead."


"Appa! That lady is staring!" I complained, running up to my father and pointing at the lady in a cloak who was staring at me ever since we came to the human grocery store.

My father pulled me closer to him, keeping a keen eye on the suspicious lady. "Stay close to me, Jungkook. Don't leave my side," he told me. My naïve twelve-year-old self simply nodded, not thinking much of the situation. When we left the store, my father gave me the grocery bags and removed his dagger. "Jungkook, lead the way, and don't stop."

I shrugged his odd behavior off and lead the way. I turned to the alley to take the shortcut, but halfway into the alley, I was pinned to the wall, being held by my neck by the lady who was following us. I gasped and clawed at her wrist.

My father stabbed her wrist, causing her to let go. I fell to the ground, coughing and gasping. I looked up to see the lady vampire pull the dagger out of her wrist. She chucked it away and pushed my father into a wall.

"APPA!" I exclaimed, trying to run to him, but she pushed me back, causing me to fall and hit my head against the wall. My vision grew hazy, I was swaying. But I could still see. I saw everything. I saw her pick up my struggling father. He tried to kick her, but she snapped his neck and let him drop to the floor, limp. She walked over to me and crouched down to my level. She harshly grabbed my jaw, making me look into her eyes.

"You might not want to watch this, kid," she said, smirking. I held my head as dizziness hit me hard, and let out a whimper when my head started aching. I watched as she picked up my father's body by his collar and dug her fangs into his neck, draining him of blood.

Flashback end

"It was my fault," I sobbed out, clutching onto Jimin's shirt after narrating the story.

"Bunny, it's not your fault. I'm so sorry it happened to you," Namjoon said. "What happened to your father was never and never will be your fault."

"C-can we stay in the nest room tonight?" I asked. I heard Hoseok let out a very soft gasp at my words.

"Are you sure sweetie?" Namjoon asked, wiping my tears. I nodded.

Jimin passed me to Hoseok, who lead the way to the nest room. They knew...

I was ready to accept them.

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